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Ashland Town Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 4.1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ARTICLE III. CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA Sec. 4.1-209. Performance standards for Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas. (a) Purpose and intent. The performance standards establish the means to minimize erosion and sedimentation potential, reduce land application of nutrients and toxics, and maximize rainwater infiltration. Natural ground cover, especially woody vegetation, is most effective in holding soil in place and preventing site erosion. Indigenous vegetation, with its adaptability to local conditions without the use of harmful fertilizers or pesticides, filters stormwater runoff. Minimizing impervious cover enhances rainwater infiltration and effectively reduces stormwater runoff potential. The purpose and intent of these requirements are also to implement the following objectives: prevent a net increase in nonpoint source pollution from new development; achieve a ten-percent reduction in nonpoint source pollution from redevelopment; and achieve a forty-percent reduction in nonpoint source pollution from agricultural uses. (b) Development and redevelopment in Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas. ? (2) Indigenous vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practicable consistent with the use or development permitted and in accordance with the "Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook." a. Existing trees over six (6) inches shall be preserved outside the limits of disturbance, including clearing and grading. Diseased trees or trees weakened by age, storm, fire, or other injury may be removed. B. Clearing shall be allowed only to provide public roads, necessary access, positive site drainage, water quality BMPs, and the installation of utilities, as approved by the town manager or designee. C. Prior to clearing or grading, suitable protective barriers, such as safety fencing, shall be erected at the dripline of any tree or stand of trees to be preserved. These protective barriers shall remain so erected throughout all phases of construction. The storage of equipment, materials, debris, or fill shall not be allowed within the area protected by the barrier. ? ? Buffer area requirements. To minimize the adverse effects of human activities on the other components of resource protection areas (as defined in section 4.1-203), state waters, and aquatic life, a one-hundred-foot buffer area of vegetation that is effective in retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering nonpoint source pollution from runoff shall be retained if present and established where it does not exist. The buffer area shall be maintained to meet the following additional performance standards: (1) In order to maintain the functional value of the buffer area, indigenous vegetation may be removed, subject to approval by the Town of Ashland, only to provide for reasonable sight lines, access paths, general woodlot management, and best management practices, as follows: a. Trees may be pruned or removed as necessary to provide for sight lines and vistas, provided that where removed, they shall be replaced with other vegetation that is equally effective in retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering nonpoint source pollution from runoff. B. Any path shall be constructed and surfaced so as to effectively control erosion. C. Dead, diseased, or dying trees or shrubbery may be removed and thinning may be conducted pursuant to sound horticulture practices. D. For stream bank erosion control projects, tree and woody vegetation may be removed, necessary control techniques employed, and appropriate vegetation established to protect or stabilize the shoreline in accordance with the best available technical advice and applicable permit conditions or requirements. ? (3) Where land uses such as agriculture or silviculture within the area of the buffer cease and the lands are proposed to be converted to other uses, the full one-hundred-foot wide buffer shall be reestablished. In reestablishing the buffer, management measures shall be undertaken to provide woody vegetation that assures the buffer functions set forth in this chapter. (9-17-90, ? 2; 12-21-04)

Ashland ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
Chapter 21 ZONING* Article IV. Residential, Restricted District R-1 Sec. 21-38. Landscape plan: landscaping, trees, buffers and screening. A landscape plan shall be required and landscaping, trees, buffers, and screening shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (2-17-04, ? A2) Article V. Residential, Limited District R-2 Sec. 21-46. Landscape plan: landscaping, trees, buffers and screening. A landscape plan shall be required and landscaping, trees, buffers, and screening shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (2-17-04, ? A2) Article VI. Residential, Medium District R-3 Sec. 21-54. Landscape plan: landscaping, trees, buffers and screening. A landscape plan shall be required and landscaping, trees, buffers, and screening shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (2-17-04, ? A2) Article VII. Residential, Medium-High District R-4 Sec. 21-65. Landscape plan: landscaping, trees, buffers, and screening. A landscape plan shall be required and landscaping, trees, buffers and screening shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (11-24-98(3), ? 1; 6-12-01, ? 1; 2-17-04, ? A3) Article VIII. Residential, Multi-family District R-5 Sec. 21-77. Landscape plan: landscaping, trees, buffers, and screening. A landscape plan shall be required and landscaping, trees, buffers and screening shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (2-17-04, ? A3) Article IX. Residential, Office District RO-1 Sec. 21-82.1. Landscape plan: landscaping, trees, buffers and screening. A landscape plan shall be required and landscaping, trees, buffers, and screening shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (2-17-04, ? A2)

Ashland ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
Chapter 21 ZONING* Article X. Central Business District B-1 Sec. 21-99.1. Landscape plan: landscaping, trees, buffers, and screening. A landscape plan shall be required and landscaping, trees, buffers and screening shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (2-17-04, ? A3) Article X-A. Central Business District B-1D Sec. 21-99.3. Landscape plan: landscaping, trees, buffers, and screening. A landscape plan shall be required and landscaping, trees, buffers and screening shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (9-16-14) Article XI. Highway Commercial District B-2 Sec. 21-109. Landscape plan: landscaping, trees, buffers, and screening. A landscape plan shall be required and landscaping, trees, buffers and screening shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (2-17-04, ? A3) Article XII. Neighborhood Commercial District B-4 Sec. 21-117. Landscape plan: landscaping, trees, buffers, and screening. A landscape plan shall be required and landscaping, trees, buffers and screening shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (2-17-04, ? A3) Article XIII. Limited Industrial District M-1 Sec. 21-125.2. Landscape plan: landscaping, trees, buffers, and screening. A landscape plan shall be required and landscaping, trees, buffers and screening shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (2-17-04, ? A3)

Ashland ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
Chapter 21 ZONING* Article XIV. Higher Education District HE Sec. 21-133.2. Landscape plan: landscaping, trees, buffers and screening. A landscape plan shall be required and landscaping, trees, buffers, and screening shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (2-17-04, ? A2)

Ashland ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
Chapter 21 ZONING* Article XVI. Planned Developments Division 2. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PUD* * State Law References: Planned unit development, Code of Virginia, ?? 15.1-430(s), 15.1-491(i). Sec. 21-153. Landscape plan: landscaping, trees, buffers, and screening. A landscape plan shall be required and landscaping, trees, buffers and screening shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (2-17-04, ? A3) Division 3. PLANNED MOBILE HOME DISTRICT PMH Sec. 21-168. Landscape plan: landscaping, trees, buffers, and screening. A landscape plan shall be required and landscaping, trees, buffers and screening shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (2-17-04, ? A3)

Ashland ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
Chapter 21 ZONING* ARTICLE III. Rural, Residential District RR-1 DIVISION 1. General Provisions* Sec. 21-30. Landscape plan: landscaping, trees, buffers and screening. A landscape plan shall be required and landscaping, trees, buffers, and screening shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (2-17-04, ? A2)

Ashland ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
Chapter 21 ZONING* Article XIX. Off-Street Parking Sec. 21-201. Landscaping, trees, buffers and screening. Landscaping, trees, buffers and screening within and adjacent to off-street parking areas shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of article XXIII of this chapter. (3-23-93, ? 1; 2-17-04, ? C2; 2-21-12)

Ashland ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
Chapter 21 ZONING* ARTICLE XXIII. - LANDSCAPING Sec. 21-238. Maintenance and replacement of required landscaping. All required landscaping, trees, buffers and screening shall be maintained and replaced or supplemented as necessary to continue to comply with the standards set forth in this article. All structural features installed to satisfy the requirements of this article shall be maintained, repaired, replaced, painted or otherwise enhanced as necessary to continue to perform the function for which they are intended. (2-17-04)

Blacksburg ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
APPENDIX A Ordinance No. 1137 BLACKSBURG ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE V. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DIVISION 1. SITE DEVELOPMENT Sec. 5130 Information required Every site development plan shall contain the following information. The information contained under the heading, "optional" may be required by the Administrator as appropriate based upon the planning and engineering issues posed by the project, in order to achieve the goals of this chapter [Appendix] [Appendix] and of the Town Code. ? (f) Screening, Landscaping, and Buffer Yards: Mandatory: (1) Location, type, size and height of all fencing, and screening, where required under the provisions of Article V, Division 3, Zoning Ordinance, Town Code. (2) Location of required buffer yards. (3) Location, type, height, and detail of any proposed retaining walls. (4) A landscape planting chart showing the planting schedule, minimum size at planting, total canopy percentage, species, and total canopy coverage for the site. (5) The outline of existing groupings of trees. Physically outstanding or specimen trees within the groups shall be shown if they are to be removed. (6) All individual trees with a caliper of five (5) inches or more at a height of two (2) feet above the ground or ornamental trees over twelve (12) feet shall be shown on the plan and labeled as to whether they will be saved or removed. (7) Where applicable, parking lot landscaping. (8) A landscape design plan, based upon accepted professional design layouts and principles. ? (Ord. No. 1247, ? 19, 9-12-00; Ord. No. 1513, ? 1, 4-14-09)

Blacksburg ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
APPENDIX A Ordinance No. 1137 BLACKSBURG ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE V. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DIVISION 3. BUFFER YARDS AND SCREENING Sec. 5310 Buffer yards?General standards. (a) Buffer yards shall contain vegetative and/or architectural screening that achieves the purpose of the buffer yard, and which meets the requirements for screening, below. Trees used for screening purposes shall be suitable as defined in Section 5331. ? (i) Buffer yard dimensions and screening requirements shall be provided as detailed in the chart below: (Ord. No. 1215, ? 32, 5-11-99; Ord. No. 1439, 4-10-07; Ord. No. 1680, ? 1, 5-14-13) Sec. 5330 Screening?When required. (a) Screening shall be provided within a buffer yard to ease the transition of one (1) land use or activity to another, to achieve the purposes of the buffer yard. Screening may be accomplished through architectural or vegetative materials. (b) Screening shall be provided, in addition to the requirements listed above, for: (1) All articles or materials being stored, maintained, repaired, processed, erected, fabricated, dismantled, or salvaged, such that the activity is not visible from surrounding properties or roads. (2) Refuse storage and loading areas such that these activities are not visible from surrounding properties or roads. (3) Rooftop and ground level mechanical equipment such that it is not visible from surrounding properties or roads. (4) All trash dumpsters or containers used for recycling shall be screened so that it is not visible from surrounding properties or roads. At minimum, the dumpster or container shall be screened on three (3) sides with architectural screening supplemented by plantings. Screening shall be based upon the standards below and subject to the approval of the Administrator. a. Four (4) foot tall architectural screening is acceptable when household style trash containers are used in place of dumpsters; b. The requirement for supplemental plantings may be waived by the Administrator in cases where dumpsters or containers are added to an existing development. In determining whether to grant a waiver, the Administrator shall be guided by these standards: proximity of the facility to residential structures; efficacy of screening to mitigate any adverse effect of the use; and benefit of the screening relative to its cost. (c) No screening is required within or adjacent to the University zoning district. (d) When a site plan is submitted to modify or expand an existing building or site improvements, or accommodate a change in land use, screening requirements shall only be applied to those portions of the site that are directly affected by the proposed improvements, or change in land use, as determined by the Administrator. (Ord. No. 1308, ? 63, 8-13-02) Sec. 5331 Screening?General standards. (a) Screening shall be continuous and in place at the time of occupancy. If vehicular or pedestrian access through the screen is necessary, the screening function shall be preserved. (b) Screening may be architectural or vegetative, per the requirements below: (1) Acceptable architectural screening materials include stockade fences, decorative masonry walls, brick walls, and earth berms, and other like materials approved by the Administrator. (2) Architectural screening shall be at least four (4) feet in height, shall be supplemented with plantings, and shall be subject to the provisions of Blacksburg Town Code Section 21-304, "sight triangles established." (3) Vegetative material shall be alive and in good health. (4) Small evergreen trees shall be at least four (4) feet in height at planting and allowed to grow to at least six (6) feet in height. Large evergreen trees shall be at least six (6) feet in height at planting and allowed to grow to at least ten (10) feet in height. All required evergreen vegetation shall be maintained in good condition. (5) Deciduous trees shall be at least one and one-half (1?) inches caliper or ten (10) feet to twelve (12) feet in height. They shall be supplemental and not deemed to be adequate screening in themselves. (6) Acceptable vegetative plantings include any tree listing in the "recommended list of trees" for screening purposes; or yew, box honeysuckle or similar dense hedge. (c) Screening design and development shall be compatible with the existing and proposed land use and the development character of the surrounding land and structures. (d) Screening shall be of sufficient density and diversity to achieve the intent of this section. However, at the time of planting, the spacing of trees shall not exceed twelve (12) feet on center, and the planting pattern shall be staggered. Shrubbery shall be more closely-spaced. Specific exceptions to this requirement may be granted by the Administrator to encourage quality and creativity of design where the intent of this section is met. (e) Existing vegetation within buffer yards shall be considered as a substitute for otherwise required landscaping or screening, if in the opinion of the Administrator, the type, size, and density of the existing vegetation complies with the standards and intent of this section. (f) When a proposed buffer yard has a variation in elevation of greater than ten (10) vertical feet at any point, the required screening or landscaping within the yard shall be placed to maximize the effectiveness of the screening or landscaping, as determined by the Administrator. (g) Trees planted to meet any of the screening requirements may also be used to meet any other landscaping requirement within this Article. (h) Screening required by this section shall be applied equally to all similarly situated properties. Modifications to these standards may be granted in writing by the Administrator based on the existence of any of the following circumstances on the proposed building site, or surrounding properties: (1) Natural land characteristics such as topography or existing vegetation on the proposed building site would achieve the same intent of this section. (2) Innovative landscaping or architectural design is employed on the building site to achieve an equivalent screening or buffering effect. (3) The required screening and landscaping would be ineffective at maturity due to the proposed topography of the site, and/or the location of the improvements on the site. (4) The topography of adjacent and surrounding sites is such as to render required screening ineffective at maturity. (Ord. No. 1247, ? 20, 9-12-00; Ord. No. 1680, ? 1, 5-14-13)

Blacksburg ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
APPENDIX A Ordinance No. 1137 BLACKSBURG ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE V. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DIVISION 4. LANDSCAPING Sec. 5400 Landscaping?Purpose. The preservation of existing trees and vegetation, as well as the planting of new trees and vegetation, can significantly add to the quality of the physical environment of the community. The regulations outlined herein are designed to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town. Trees can provide the following benefits to the community: (1) Provide buffers and screens against noise, air pollution, and unsightly and incompatible land uses; (2) Reduce the hazards of flooding and aid in the control of erosion and storm water runoff. Trees also assist in the stabilization of soil and replenish groundwater supplies; (3) Act to moderate extremes of temperature and provide shade; (4) Absorb carbon dioxide and supply oxygen in our atmosphere, which is an essential ecological function in the preservation of human and animal life. Trees can provide a haven for birds which, in turn, assist in the control of insects; (5) Aid in energy conservation; (6) Are physiologically, psychologically, sociologically and aesthetically necessary counterpoints to the man-made urban setting. Sec. 5410 Landscaping?When required. The requirements of this division apply to any development for which a site development plan is required by Article V, Division 1, "Site Development Plans," section 5100. Sec. 5420 Landscaping?General standards. (a) Acceptable trees include, but are not limited to, those identified as suitable for the intended use in the "Recommended list of trees" figure below. Acceptable vegetative ground cover consists of shrubs and ground cover including grass. Using standards from recognized texts on the subject, the Administrator shall decide the appropriateness of any such trees and ground cover. (b) Species of trees shall not be planted if the roots cause damage to public works, the branches are subject to a high incidence of breakage, and the fruit is considered a nuisance or high maintenance, as determined by the Administrator. (c) The planting of trees shall be done in accordance with the standardized landscape specifications jointly adopted by the Virginia Nurserymen's Association, the Virginia Society of Landscape Designers and the Virginia Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects. (d) All trees shall be planted in good condition and meet "American Standard for Nursery Stock" (1990), ANSI Z60.1-1990, as may be amended. (e) The developer shall plant, or install, as appropriate grass, tree grates, porous pavers, or similar pervious surfaces, which shall extend to twice the initial drip line of the newly planted tree. Minimum tree grate size shall be five square feet. (f) Trees planted to meet any of the requirements below may also be used to meet any other screening or landscaping requirement within this Article.

Charlottesville City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 10 WATER PROTECTION ARTICLE IV. STREAM BUFFERS Sec. 10-71. Duty to retain or establish stream buffer. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this article, any land adjacent to the following listed waters, shall provide buffers for the purposes of retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering nonpoint source pollution from runoff: (1) Rivanna River; (2) Moore's Creek; (3) Meadow Creek. (b) A required stream buffer shall be no less than one hundred (100) feet wide on each side of the stream, which buffer shall be measured horizontally from the top of the stream bank. ? (e) Within a required stream buffer, no indigenous vegetation shall be disturbed or removed, except as follows: (1) Activities pertaining to the management of the stream buffer, identified in section 10-72 of this article; (2) Development activities authorized in a stream buffer, identified in section 10-74; (3) Activities authorized in section 10-73; (4) Tilling, planting or harvesting of agricultural or horticultural crops in home gardens. ? (9-20-04, ? 1) Sec. 10-72. Management of a stream buffer. (1) The target vegetative cover in a stream buffer area shall be an indigenous riparian forest with ground cover, shrub and tree canopy layers. (2) Within twenty-five (25) feet of the top of the stream bank: a. Indigenous riparian vegetation shall be preserved, or, where it does not exist, it shall be restored or allowed to evolve by natural succession; b. Dead, diseased, and dying trees may be removed; c. Fallen trees that are blocking stream channels, or trees with undermined root systems in imminent danger of falling, may be removed where stream bank erosion is a current or potential problem that outweighs any positive effects the fallen tree or trees may have on the stream ecosystem; d. Removal or pruning of invasive shrub and vine species is allowed, provided that such removal or pruning is done in a manner that prevents erosion; e. Unpaved pathways and trails may be constructed and maintained in a manner that will effectively control erosion and to minimize adverse impacts to the buffer, subject to applicable provisions of section 10-74, below; and f. Stormwater channels may be constructed and maintained in a manner that will prevent erosion and minimize adverse impacts to the buffer. (3) Beyond twenty-five (25) feet from the top of the stream bank to the limits of the required buffer: a. Dead, diseased and dying trees may be removed; b. Trees six (6) inches in diameter or greater, measured forty-eight (48) inches from the ground, shall be preserved; c. Removal or pruning of invasive shrub and vine species shall be allowed, provided that such removal or pruning is done in a manner that prevents erosion; and d. Unpaved pathways and trails may be constructed and maintained in a manner that will effectively control erosion and minimize adverse impacts to the buffer, subject to applicable provisions of section 10-74, below. E. Stormwater channels may be constructed and maintained in a manner that will prevent erosion and minimize adverse impacts to the buffer. (9-20-04, ? 1)

Charlottesville City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 34 ZONING ARTICLE V. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS DIVISION 2. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sec. 34-502. Landscaping. (a) A portion of the required open space shall consist of landscaped open areas, in an amount equal to twenty (20) percent of the aggregate gross floor area of commercial uses within the development. (b) In all PUD districts landscaping shall be provided using materials consistent with those required by Article VIII, sections 34-861, et seq.) and the city's list of approved plantings. ? In addition to the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b), above, landscaping shall be utilized within a PUD: (1) To provide visual separations or buffers, as may be appropriate, between uses and areas different in intensity or character from one another, and between the PUD and adjacent low-density residential districts; (2) To protect and enhance the scenic, recreational, or natural features of a site; priority shall be given to preservation of existing trees having a caliper of eight (8) or more inches and in-place natural buffers; (3) As a means of harmonizing the street frontage along the perimeter of a PUD with the street frontage of adjacent properties; (4) To minimize the impact of noise, heat, light and glare emanating from a building, use or structure upon adjacent buildings, uses or structures. (9-15-03(3)) DIVISION 3. PRCEDURES Sec. 34-502. PUD development plan? Requirements?Contents. (a) Each of the following is a required component of a complete plan of development submitted in connection with an application for approval of a planned unit development: ? (3) A conceptual development plan, supporting maps, and written or photographic data and analysis which show: ? h. A site inventory of the significant natural, environmental and cultural features of a site, including at a minimum: historic landmarks contained on any state or federal register; vegetation; existing trees of eight-inch caliper or greater; wetlands, topography, shown at intervals of five (5) feet or less, critical slopes, and other, similar characteristics or features, and a plan for preserving, protecting, utilizing and/or incorporating such features into the design and function of the proposed PUD. ? (9-15-03(3); 11-21-11(3); 9-16-13)

Charlottesville City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 34 ZONING ARTICLE VIII. IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED FOR DEVELOPMENTS DIVISION 2. LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING Sec. 34-873. Parking lots?Screening and interior landscaping. (a) [Defined.] For the purposes of this section the term "parking lot" shall mean and refer only to a parking lot containing twenty (20) or more spaces. (b) Street buffer. (1) A continuous landscaped buffer ten (10) feet in width shall be established between the edge of a parking lot and any adjacent public right-of-way. If right-of-way improvements are required within such frontage, then a continuous landscaped buffer having an average width of ten (10) feet may be provided. Where an existing parking lot is to be expanded, and the existing lot has a landscaped buffer adjacent to a right-of-way of less than ten (10) feet in width, but at least four (4) feet in width, then no additional buffer shall be required along such frontage. (2) The required buffer shall consist of S-3 screen materials ("street plantings"), other than trees, but shall not include any plantings of a size or material that will obstruct any required sight distances. The landscaped buffer shall include at least three (3) street plantings for every fifteen (15) feet of frontage, spaced at intervals of not more than four (4) feet. All plantings shall have a minimum height of eighteen (18) inches when planted. Plantings shall be evenly spaced in a row, at intervals sufficient to allow for their healthy growth and development. (3) Streetscape trees required by section 34-870 shall be planted within the ten-foot landscaped buffer, and shall be integrated with other street plantings. If this requirement cannot be satisfied due to sight distance requirements, utility easements or other conflicting requirements, then the required landscaped buffer area shall be enlarged to accommodate the trees. If enlargement of the buffer area requires the relocation of required parking spaces, then any additional required street plantings may be counted toward interior landscaping requirements. (c) Adjacent property buffer. (1) A continuous landscaped buffer at least five (5) feet in width shall be established between the edge of a parking lot and an adjacent property, where there is no intervening public right-of-way. (2) The required buffer shall consist of S-2 screen materials. One (1) large tree and three (3) shrubs shall be planted for every fifteen (15) feet of length of the property line. Plants shall be evenly spaced in a row, at intervals sufficient to allow for their healthy growth and development. (3) If the edge of a parking lot abuts another parking lot on an adjacent property, and the other existing lot has a landscaped buffer area of at least four (4) feet wide, then no additional buffer shall be required. (d) Interior parking lot landscaping. (1) In addition to the other applicable requirements of this section, an area equal to five (5) percent of the gross area of a parking lot shall be landscaped with trees or shrubs ("interior landscaped area"). a. No interior landscaped area shall be less than one hundred forty-five (145) square feet, or have a width of less than nine (9) feet. b. Paved storage areas serving a warehouse use may be excluded from the calculation of gross area of a parking lot. c. Plantings immediately adjacent to (i.e., within fifteen (15) feet) a building shall not be counted toward interior landscaping. d. Buffers required by the preceding paragraphs, shall not be counted toward interior landscaping requirements. e. A landscaped island or other physical barrier shall separate parking areas from any entrance or exit to the parking lot. (2) Interior landscaped areas shall consist of at least one (1) tree, and at least three (3) shrubs, per eight (8) parking spaces or portion thereof. Interior landscaped areas with an area of less than 300 square feet shall be planted with at least one (1) medium tree; those having an area of 300 square feet or more shall contain at least one (1) large tree, or two (2) medium trees. (3) Interior landscaping shall be placed in reasonably dispersed planting islands. When screening is required along the frontage of public streets, the director shall determine if the street tree requirement has been met. (e) Buffers shall be designed to filter runoff from paved surfaces. (9-15-03(3))

Chesapeake ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
Chesapeake, Virginia - Zoning ARTICLE 19. DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ? 19-600. Landscaping and buffering. A. In General. This section of the zoning ordinance of the city of Chesapeake shall be known and may be cited and referred to as the Chesapeake Landscape Ordinance. The Chesapeake Landscape Specifications Manual, including definitions, is hereby incorporated into and made a part of this ordinance. B. Intent. The intent of this ordinance is to provide minimum standards for the preservation, protection and enhancement of the ecologic and aesthetic environments of the City of Chesapeake. The urban forest which includes all landscaped areas within the city, serves to prevent soil erosion; reduce the hazards of flooding; absorb carbon dioxide and supply oxygen; reduce the effects of noise, glare, dust, and other objectionable activities generated by some land uses; provide shade and reduce adverse effects of winds; safeguard and enhance property values; buffer and screen adjacent properties; and promote the pleasant appearance and character of neighborhoods. (Ord. No. 97-O-141, 11-18-97) ? 19-601. All sites. A. Landscaping plan requirements. 1. A preliminary landscaping plan, showing the location and dimensions of green space, buffer yards, and existing and known proposed public and private easements, shall be required as part of any preliminary site plan for all multifamily and nonresidential developments and for all residential major subdivisions where rear or secondary front yards abut an existing or proposed right-of-way 80 feet or more in width. 2. A final landscaping plan, prepared by a landscape designer, shall be submitted in the following circumstances: (1) as part of the final site plan for any multifamily or nonresidential development; (2) as part of the building permit application for any single-family or duplex residential construction on a lot, and (3) as part of any final subdivision plan for a residential major subdivision where rear or secondary front yards abut an existing or proposed right-of-way 80 feet or more in width. 3. Such landscaping plans shall contain the landscaping and/or plant replacement specifications required under this ordinance, including the Chesapeake Landscape Specifications Manual, which is hereby incorporated into and made a part of this ordinance by reference. B. Site analysis. A site analysis, including all tree preservation areas, is required as part of the submittal of each preliminary and final subdivision plat, site plan, or erosion and sediment control plan submitted to the city. Such site analysis shall, by plan and narrative, include all those elements required by the Chesapeake Landscape Specifications Manual. The site analysis may, upon approval of the director of development and permits, or designee, based on-site conditions, be presented in a narrative format only. C. Townhouse communities. In townhome communities where adequate space does not exist for the placement of trees otherwise required under this ordinance, the city may approve the placement of trees in open spaces, common areas or end lots where adequate and appropriate space for mature growth exist. If such a plan is approved, it shall be the developer's responsibility to set forth a schedule for the installation of these plantings that meets the approval of the city. Further, the developer shall be responsible to call for city inspection and approval of said landscaping upon completion. D. Parking areas. 1. Green space meeting the definition contained in the Chesapeake Landscape Specifications Manual shall be provided within the interior of parking areas at a ratio of 30 square feet of greenspace per each off-parking space provided; off-street parking space as defined in section 19-408 of this ordinance. Only those areas directly adjacent to and directly associated with the rows of parking will count towards required green space. 2. The equivalent of 400 square feet of large tree canopy coverage (appendix B of the Chesapeake Landscape Specifications Manual) shall be planted for each 150 square feet of interior green space provided. 3. Where feasible, as determined by the director of development and permits, or designee, utilities shall be located outside of required green space. 4. Green space containing less than 150 square feet in contiguous area will not count toward interior green space required for parking. Individual green areas 150 square feet or more in contiguous area shall not substitute for more than 1,000 square feet of interior green space required for parking. 5. A maximum of 30% of the required interior green space may be combined with required buffer yards when natural vegetation is being retained in any such buffer yard. This combination of required areas shall only be permitted in the vicinity of, and in conjunction with, tree preservation, as approved by the director of development and permits, or designee. When tree preservation is approved, up to 1,500 square feet of contiguous interior green space may count toward interior green space requirements. 6. Green space no smaller than 9 x 18 feet in size, and containing at least one large tree, shall be required at both ends of each row of parking spaces containing 7 or more spaces. All parking lot trees shall be large trees, as listed in the Chesapeake Landscape Specifications Manual, unless sotherwise approved by the director of development and permits, or designee, due to extenuating circumstances. E. Buffer yard requirements. 1. Where the zoning classification for a site to be developed under this section is more intense than the classification of a property bordering such site, the landscaping plan for the more intensely zoned site shall include provisions for a buffer yard and/or structure required along the length of the property line that separates the site from the property having a less intense zoning classification, as provided for in section 19-610 below. 2. A vegetated buffer as described in and required by section 19-610 shall be installed on those sites bordering public or private streets, including alleys, service drives and rights-of-way, unless waived or modified by the director of development and permits, or designee, pursuant to section 19-606 of this ordinance. All required landscaping shall be set back from the street and ingress/egress points an adequate distance to provide clear visibility, in accordance with section 19-204 of this ordinance. Tree locations and spacing may be adjusted to provide reasonable visibility of signage and to ensure safe ingress/egress. 3. Street frontage hedges shall be restricted to a mature height of 4 feet except where they are required to screen service entrances and outside storage areas, where they shall be maintained at a height of 6 feet. 4. A minimum of 7 feet width, or 50 % of the required width, whichever is greater, of any required buffer yard must be located outside of all public or private easements. Where feasible, required trees must be located outside of all public easements or private utility easements. The director of development and permits, or designee, shall determine on a case-by-case basis whether the location of trees outside of a particular utility easement is feasible, giving due consideration to such factors as topography, size of the lot and site design. No trees shall be planted in an easement where prohibited by the deed or agreement by which the easement was created. Required shrubs may be planted within a utility easement, provided that shrubs are not prohibited by the deed or agreement which created the easement. If no deed or agreement exists, no plant materials shall be placed in the easement area without the express permission of all persons having rights or interest in the easement. 5. Buffers required adjacent to public or private rights-of-way with an existing or proposed width of 80 feet or more are to be provided by the landowner or developer and depicted on the final subdivision plat recorded in the clerk's office of the circuit court of the City of Chesapeake. The plat shall contain a note stating that no structure shall be located in the buffer and that all plant materials therein are to be maintained by the owner of the property. 6. Screening for communication towers shall be in conformance with section 13-606 of this ordinance. 7. A buffer yard D as described in Section 19-610 of this ordinance, with a three-foot berm, shall be required where the rear of any commercial or industrial building faces a public or private right-of-way having an existing or proposed width of 80 feet or more. 8. For additional buffer yard and screening requirements, see Section 14-200, Fences, walls and hedges; Section 14-500, Trash receptacles; and Section 14-700, Signs. (Ord. No. 97-O-141, 11-18-97; Ord. No. 08-O-121, 9-16-08; Ord. No. 10-O-127, 10-19-10)

Chesapeake ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
Chesapeake, Virginia - Zoning ARTICLE 19. DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ? 19-608. Conditional use permits. A. Additional landscaping requirements. In addition to the landscaping requirements otherwise applicable to a use for which a conditional use permit is required, city council may impose further landscaping requirements as a condition of granting of any such use permit, in order to ensure the compatibility of the site with surrounding properties. B. Buffer yard requirements. Unless otherwise specified by city council, the buffer yard requirements for a use requiring a conditional use permit shall be based upon the zoning classification in which such use is a permitted use under this ordinance. When such use is not a permitted use in any zoning classification under this ordinance, the buffer yard requirements shall be based upon the most intensive zoning classification in which such use is a conditional use. ? 19-609. Violations. Any violation of the terms of this section shall be a violation of the zoning ordinance and shall be subject to the penalties established for violations of the zoning ordinance. Enforcement action may be brought by the zoning administrator or by the city of Chesapeake.

Chesapeake ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
Chesapeake, Virginia - Zoning ARTICLE 19. DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ? 19-610. Tables and buffer yard standards. The tables entitled "Buffer Yard Standards" and "Table of Required Buffer Yards" are hereby made a part of this ordinance and shall be used to determine the nature and type of each buffer yard that is required for a site that is subject to this ordinance.

Danville ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
ARTICLE 16. APPENDIX: LANDSCAPE, SCREENING AND BUFFER YARD GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS A. Purpose and Intent. This appendix provides graphic guidelines for landscaping, screening and buffer yards for development projects within the City. It is intended to be employed by applicants as a companion to illustrate the landscape design requirements of Article 9 of this ordinance. Where conflict exists between this appendix and Article 9, the article shall govern. B. - Appendix Contents. Parking Lot Landscaping Guidelines and Illustrations A.4 Parking lot landscaping: general illustrative design concepts. A.5 Parking lot landscaping: minimum requirements for parking lots. A.6 Parking lot landscaping: landscape islands and medians in parking lots. General Landscaping Guidelines and Illustrations A.7 Residential subdivision landscaping: street tree design concepts. A.8 Right-of-way edge buffer landscaping: edge buffers. A.9 Buffer yards: landscape berms. Examples of Canopy Requirements for Urban Land Uses A.10 Illustrative canopy example: multi-family residential project. A.11 Illustrative canopy example: retirement community project. A.12 Illustrative canopy example: townhouse residential project. A.13 Illustrative canopy example: waterfront mixed-use project. A.14. Illustrative canopy example: downtown commercial project. Transitional Buffer Yard Requirements A.15 Transitional buffer yard requirements: Multi-family and Attached Residential Single Family Residential Districts (T-R, S-R, NT-R, OT-R and MHP-R) adjacent to a Multifamily Residential or Attached Residential District (A-R and M-R). A.16 Transitional buffer yard requirements: Commercial Residential Districts (T-R, S-R, NT-R, OT-R and MHP-R) and adjacent to a Commercial District (N-C, CB-C, TW-C, HR-C, PS-C). A.17 Transitional buffer yard requirements: Light Economic Development Residential District (T-R, S-R, NT-R, OT-R and MHP-R) adjacent to a Light Economic Development District LED-1). A.18 Transitional buffer yard requirements: Manufacturing Residential District (T-R, S-R, NT-R, OT-R and MHP-R) adjacent to a Manufacturing District (M-1). (Ord. No. 2004-02.04, Art. 16, 2-17-04)

Danville ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
Chapter 41 ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE 9. LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING REGULATIONS B. General Standards. The following general standards shall apply to the planning, design, installation and maintenance of all landscape improvements, site plan improvements, urban design standards, screening and buffering measures, and related site development practices required by this section: 1. A landscape plan meeting the requirements of this article shall be required for all subdivision, site plan, and other development plan applications. Landscaping, screening, and buffering for any subdivision and site development activity shall be guided by this article as well as generally accepted landscape design principles. 2. Landscape design plans shall strive to maximize the preservation of existing trees and minimize the disruption of established landscape materials, employing preservation and protection criteria provided in the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Manual, the State's Urban Best Management Practices Handbook and NPDES permitting guidelines. 3. The quality and type of all new plant materials installed on a site shall be in accord with the specifications of the American Association of Nurserymen, provided that the transplanting of trees and shrubs may be done in accordance with accepted horticultural and forestry practices. 4. The property owner, developer and or successor in title to a given property shall be responsible for the perpetual maintenance as well as timely repair and replacement of all landscaping, buffers and screening as required by this article. A failure to adequately maintain landscape improvements in a healthy state and to keep such improvements free of litter, refuse and debris shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance. Landscape planting, maintenance and repair regulations also shall apply to all land in common open space, active recreational areas, or other lands not in lots in residential subdivisions. Property owners' documents shall incorporate such requirements. 5. Landscape plans to accompany any site plan or plat shall be prepared by the applicant, a qualified landscape designer, nurseryman or horticulturalist in association with a Professional Engineer or Architect of record (certifying the plan or plat) or shall be prepared and certified by a Certified Landscape Architect licensed to practice in the State of Virginia. 6. The landscaping and buffering standards hereinafter established provide minimum guidelines for landscape architecture of commercial, industrial, institutional and residential properties. Refer to the Appendix A of the Zoning Ordinance for graphic illustrations and design guidelines. 7. In addition to the provisions of this article, property which is situated within areas recognized by the Official Zoning Map as a H-PO, Historic Preservation Overlay District or a TC-O, Tourism Corridor Overlay District shall be subject to additional regulations as provided for in the individual zoning districts, supplemental regulations and design guidelines related thereto. (Ord. No. 2004-02.04, Art. 9, ? B, 2-17-04)

Danville ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
Chapter 41 ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE 9. LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING REGULATIONS E. Transitional Screening and Buffer Yards. 1. Transitional screening and buffer yards shall be required between properties as designated by the Official Zoning Map for different land use categories. Screening and buffer yard requirements shall be imposed on the property of the more intensive zoning category. Buffer landscape yard geometry, plant types, plant quantities and related landscaping requirements between different land use categories shall be based on the screening and buffer yard standards in the Appendix of this ordinance. 2. Transitional screening shall be provided at the outer boundaries of a lot, except in locations where driveways, parking lots, utility easements and/or other openings are required. Where transitional screening and landscape buffer yards are required, evergreen trees and deciduous trees of size, type and canopy as approved by the Director of Planning or Planning Commission, shall be employed for screening purposes. 3. Understory and shrubs, in the recommended size and quantities described in the graphic design standards in the appendix, may be incorporated into the buffer yard at the option of the applicant. Landscape plans are encouraged to incorporate earth berms, where physiographically feasible, and other creative landscape features into transitional screening and buffer yard designs. See illustrative examples in the Appendix for recommended landscape materials and placement. 4. Buffer yards and transitional screening may not be used for the storage of materials, buildings, parking or loading areas for motor vehicles or equipment or signs. Sidewalks and pedestrian trails may be incorporated into buffer yards. 5. All outdoor storage and loading areas shall be screened from adjacent residential properties. An opaque screen with a minimum height of six (6) feet of landscape materials, architectural walls, opaque fencing or other opaque material shall be used. 6. Transitional screening may be waived or otherwise modified by the Planning Commission for any public use or utility when it can be demonstrated that such use has been specifically designed to minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties. 7. No landscape materials or screening shall be installed which interfere with minimum transportation site distances. The landscape plan shall depict sight distance alignments and the location of sight easements in accord with transportation design standards. 8. Transitional screening requirements may be modified by the Director of Planning/Zoning Administrator in cases where it can be clearly demonstrated by the applicant that either (a) the alternative landscape design minimizes any adverse impact through a combination of architectural and landscaping techniques or (b) where the topography of the property is such that transitional screening would not be effective and other methods of screening provide equal and adequate design responses. 9. The applicant, or the applicant's certified landscape architect or qualified landscape designer shall consult with the Director of Planning/Zoning Administrator during the sketch plan and preliminary plat phase to determine the most appropriate buffer and screening design concepts, tree placement and suitable species of trees to be used for screening purposes. 10. The applicant, or the applicant's certified landscape architect or qualified landscape designer shall consult with the Director of Planning/Zoning Administrator during the sketch plan and preliminary plat phase to determine the most appropriate location for the buffer plantings. The Director of Planning/Zoning Administrator has the authority to ensure that the buffer shall be planted at the highest point on the subject property relative to the adjacent residential uses. In instances where grading allows a difference in elevation, buffer landscape planting shall be placed at the highest point where it can be feasibly planted. (Ord. No. 2004-02.04, Art. 9, ? E, 2-17-04)

Fairfax City City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 110 ZONING Article IV. SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 4.5 LANDSCAPING 4.5.1 Purpose The purposes of 4.5 are to encourage the planting and proper care of vegetation and trees throughout the city, to replenish tree stock, and to provide for appropriate screening. These actions are intended to contribute to the health, safety and welfare of the city by enhancing pedestrian facilities, decreasing flooding, soil erosion, air pollution and noise, and improving aesthetics in accordance with the comprehensive plan and the requirements of the public facilities manual. The transitional yard requirements and the screening requirements are intended to improve compatibility of uses by providing privacy and enhancing the aesthetic transition between uses. 4.5.2 Applicability A. The landscaping regulations of 4.5 apply as set forth in the individual sections of these regulations. B. Unless specifically exempt, all existing and proposed development for which site plan approval is required (see 6.8) shall meet the provisions of 4.5. 4.5.3 Exemptions A. Unless otherwise expressly stated, the landscaping regulations of 4.5 do not apply to the expansion of individual single-family detached, single-family attached or duplexes dwellings. B. Driving lanes may traverse required landscaping in a perpendicular alignment to provide the necessary ingress and egress to the parking lots. 4.5.4 General A. What is to be landscaped All areas that are not impervious (see 1.5.7) shall be landscaped in accordance with the requirements of 4.5. B. Landscape plan required A landscape plan shall be submitted in conjunction with required site plans (see 6.8) in accordance with the requirements of 4.5. A landscape architect or other qualified professional shall prepare all landscape plans. 4.5.5 Transitional yards A. Applicability The transitional yard regulations of 4.5.5 apply along interior property lines in those instances identified in this chapter and only to the following activities: 1. The construction or installation of any new principal building or use; and 2. The expansion of any existing principal building or principal use that results in an increase in gross floor area or site area improvements by more than five percent or 1,000 square feet, whichever is greater. In the case of expansions that trigger compliance with transitional yard requirements, transitional yard landscaping is required only in proportion to the degree of expansion. The zoning administrator is authorized to allow the transitional yard to be established adjacent to the area of expansion or to disperse transition yard landscaping along the entire site transition area. B. Transitional yard defined A transitional yard is a specified land area, located parallel to and within the outer perimeter of a lot or project and extending to the lot line, together with fencing or walls on the lot line, and planting and landscaping required on the land. A transitional yard is not intended to be commensurate with the term "yard" or ?setback.? C. Transitional yard types There are three types of required transitional yards that may occur on any given parcel (for the specific width and plant material for each transitional yard classification see 4.5.5.D). 1. District boundary transitional yards The following table shall be used to determine the required transitional yard classification between adjacent districts. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT RL RM RH RT-6 RT RMF CL CO CR CU CG IL IH RL -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- RM -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- RH -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- RT TY1 TY1 TY1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- RMF TY2 TY2 TY2 TY2 TY2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- CL TY2 TY2 TY2 TY2 TY2 TY1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- CO TY2 TY2 TY2 TY2 TY2 TY1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- CR TY2 TY2 TY2 TY2 TY2 TY2 TY1 -- -- -- -- -- -- CU TY3 TY3 TY3 TY3 TY3 TY2 TY2 TY1 -- -- -- -- CG TY3 TY3 TY3 TY3 TY3 TY3 TY3 TY2 -- -- -- -- -- IL TY4 TY4 TY4 TY4 TY4 TY4 TY3 TY3 TY2 TY2 TY1 -- -- IH TY4 TY4 TY4 TY4 TY4 TY4 TY4 TY3 TY3 TY3 TY3 TY2 -- 2. Project boundary transitional yards Project boundary transitional yard requirements are established to mitigate the effect of planned developments on adjacent properties. The following shall be used to determine project boundary transitional yard requirements. (a) No transitional yard is required where the width of the project?s perimeter singlefamily detached residential lots is equal to or greater than the minimum lot width of the adjoining single-family detached development or the minimum lot width required by the respective single-family detached zoning district that applies to any adjoining undeveloped parcel. (b) Except as provided in paragraph (a) above or unless modified by the city council in the approval of a master development plan, the following boundary transitional yards shall be provided along project boundaries in accordance with 4.5.5.D: (1) PD-R: TY2 transitional yards (2) PD-M: TY3 transitional yards (3) PD-C: TY3 transitional yards (4) PD-I: TY4 transitional yards 3. Use boundary transitional yards (a) Where townhouse developments occur adjacent to single-family detached or duplex dwellings, TY1 transitional yards shall be provided in accordance with 4.5.5.D, below. (b) Where multifamily developments occur adjacent to single-family detached, duplex or townhouse dwellings, TY2 transitional yards shall be provided in accordance with 4.5.5.D, below. (c) Where commercial developments occur adjacent to single-family attached, singlefamily detached, duplex, townhouse, or multifamily dwellings, TY3 transitional yards shall be provided in accordance with 4.5.5.D, below. (d) Where industrial developments occur adjacent to single-family attached, singlefamily detached, duplex, townhouse, or multifamily dwellings, TY4 transitional yards shall be provided in accordance with 4.5.5.D, below. D. Transitional yard classifications Four transitional yard classifications are established in recognition of the different contexts that may exist. They are as follows: SPECIFICATIONS TY1 TY2 TY3 TY4 Minimum Transitional Yard Width [1] (feet) 7.5 10 15 30 Minimum Fence or Wall Height (feet) on Lot Line [2] 6 6 6 6 Minimum Trees (per 100 feet) Canopy NA 3 4 4 Understory 4 3 4 5 Minimum Shrubs (per 100 feet) NA NA 4 5 [1] Yard widths calculated on the basis of average per 100 feet, provided that the yard width at any point may not be less than 50 percent of the minimums stated in the table. Required zoning district setbacks may be counted toward satisfying transitional yard widths. [2] On or adjacent to the lot line. Additional understory trees or shrubs may be substituted for required fence or wall via alternative compliance (4.5.10). E. Location of transitional yards Transitional yards shall be located within the outer perimeter of a lot or parcel, parallel to and extending to the lot or parcel boundary line. Transitional yards shall not be located on any portion of an existing, dedicated or reserved public or private street or right-of-way. F. Ownership of transitional yards Transitional yards may remain in the ownership of the original applicant; they may be subjected to deed restrictions and subsequently be freely conveyed; or they may be transferred to any consenting grantees, such as the city, a land conservancy or land trust, or common interest community association (see 4.13). Any such conveyance shall guarantee the protection and maintenance of the transitional yard in accordance with the provisions of 4.5. G. Landscape materials and design Landscape materials used to satisfy the transitional yard requirements of 4.5.5 are subject to the regulations of 4.5.9. 4.5.6 Tree requirements A. Tree canopy The following 10-year minimum tree canopy requirements shall apply in the respective districts: (figure) B. Street trees In all general districts except the RL, RM, RH and CU districts, a minimum ten foot wide landscaped strip shall be provided along all streets. Street trees shall be required along all streets at the rate of one canopy tree for every 40 linear feet and spaced a maximum of 50 feet part. 1. All street trees shall be planted no less than three feet or more than 15 feet from the back of the curb or edge of pavement. 2. No tree shall be planted within a safe sight triangle (4.3.4) or closer than 10 feet from any fire hydrant. C. Landscape materials and design Landscape material used to satisfy the tree requirements of 4.5.6 are subject to the regulations of 4.5.9. 4.5.7 Parking lot landscaping A. Applicability 1. 4.5.7 applies to: (a) New on-site surface parking lots with more than 10 spaces; and (b) The expansion of any existing surface parking lot if the expansion results in 10 or more new parking spaces, in which case the requirements of 4.5.7 apply only to the expanded area. 2. For purposes of 4.5.7, multiple platted lots contained on a single site plan and any separate parking lots connected with drive aisles are considered a single parking lot. B. Low impact development (LID) Low impact development (LID) techniques that capitalize on and are consistent with natural resources and processes will be incorporated in parking lot landscaping whenever practicable, including but not limited to: 1. Rain catchment and harvesting for on-site irrigation purposes; and 2. Rain gardens (shallow depressions or swales) that slow storm runoff and reduce the impact of what is found in stormwater as it enters storm drainage control systems. C. Perimeter 1. The perimeter of all parking lots with frontage on any portion of a public right-of way shall be screened by a continuous landscaped hedge, a wall, or fence supported by masonry piers. Perimeter screening shall be at least 30 inches in height at the time of installation, and any planted screening shall reach a minimum height of 36 inches within two years of planting. 2. The perimeter of all parking lots adjacent to residentially zoned property shall provide a transitional yard TY3 (See 4.5.5). D. Interior 1. Interior islands An interior landscaped island shall be provided for every ten spaces. Each island shall contain a minimum of 200 square feet with a minimum width of eight feet inside the curb and include a minimum of one canopy tree; provided that, where an island includes a sidewalk, such islands shall contain a minimum of 400 square feet with a minimum of 15 feet inside the curb. Planting islands shall be evenly distributed throughout the parking lot; with no parking space located more than 50 feet from a planting island. Interior islands may be consolidated or intervals may be expanded in order to preserve existing trees, where approved by the zoning administrator. 2. Terminal islands All rows of spaces shall terminate in a curbed landscaped island. Each island shall conform to the specifications described in 4.5.7.D.1, above. 3. Median islands A median island with a minimum width of eight feet inside the curb shall be sited between every six single parking rows. Median intervals may be expanded in order to preserve existing trees, where approved by the zoning administrator. E. Parking structures 1. General Parking lot interior landscaping requirements shall not apply to parking structures. 2. Perimeter landscaping Structured parking above finished grade shall comply with building setback requirements. Landscaping for parking structures shall be provided in all yards pursuant to perimeter landscaping requirements for surface parking. However, where the location of such structure with respect to property boundary and adjacent structures will substantially inhibit the growth of the required trees, such trees may be located along another perimeter of the site in a manner approved by the zoning administrator. F. Curbs and vehicle barriers Landscaped areas in or abutting parking lots must be protected by concrete curbing, anchored wheel stops, or other durable barriers approved by the zoning administrator. Curbs protecting landscaped areas may be perforated, have gaps, or otherwise be designed to allow stormwater runoff to pass through them. G. Landscape materials and design Landscape material used to satisfy the parking lot landscaping requirements of 4.5.7 are subject to the regulations of 4.5.9. 4.5.8 Screening A. Features to be screened The following features must be screened from view of public rights-of-way, public open spaces and from lots used or zoned for residential purposes, as specified in 4.5.8. 1. Drive-through windows/facilities, subject to 4.5.8.B; 2. Ground-mounted mechanical equipment, subject to 4.5.8.C; 3. Outdoor storage of materials, supplies, vehicles and equipment, subject to 4.5.8.D; 4. Pick-up and drop-off containers and facilities, subject to 4.5.8.E; 5. Roof-mounted mechanical equipment, subject to 4.5.8.F; and 6. Trash receptacles and service areas, subject to 4.5.8.G. B. Drive-through windows/facilities Drive-through windows/facilities and lanes shall be subject to the following screening requirements: 1. Drive-through windows/facilities and lanes placed between the right-of-way and the associated building shall require landscape plantings installed and maintained along the entire length of the drive-through lane, located between the drive-through lane and the adjacent right-of-way. 2. Such screening shall be a compact evergreen hedge or other type of dense foliage. At the time of installation, such screening shall be at least 36 inches in height and shall reach a height of 48 inches within two years of planting. C. Ground-mounted mechanical equipment All ground-mounted mechanical equipment over 30 inches in height must be screened from view by a solid fence, solid wall, dense hedge, or combination of such features. The hedge, fence or wall must be tall enough to screen the equipment. D. Outdoor storage of materials, supplies, vehicles and equipment 1. On nonresidential lots, all stored materials, supplies, merchandise, vehicles, commercial vehicles, boats (or similar), trailers, recreational vehicles, equipment, or other similar materials that are not on display for direct sale, rental or lease to the ultimate consumer or user must be screened by landscaping or solid fencing or wall, with a minimum height of six feet at the time of installation. (See also 4.10) 2. On residential lots, all stored materials, supplies, equipment, or other similar materials, including any vehicles, trailers, commercial vehicles, boats (or similar), recreational vehicles, or similar vehicles kept on an unsurfaced area, shall be located in the side or rear yard, screened from the view from the street and first story of any neighboring dwelling to the extent possible by landscaping or solid fencing or wall, and the total area for such outdoor storage shall not occupy more than 25 percent of the side and rear yards combined. 3. On residential lots, one commercial vehicle of a weight less than 9,000 pounds, one commercial trailer, or one noncommercial vehicle of a weight more than 9,000 pounds but less than 15,000 pounds may be kept in accordance with the provisions of City Code, Section 98-147(c). Screening shall not be required provided the vehicle or trailer is kept on a surfaced area. 4. On residential lots, boats (or similar) on trailers and noncommercial trailers may be kept without screening, provided the trailer is kept on a surfaced area. 5. On residential lots, screening shall not be required for firewood, outdoor furniture, portable grills, or similar items accessory to the residential use or for storage of materials and equipment related to a construction project for which a valid building permit is in effect and where the materials and equipment are maintained in an orderly condition and do not constitute a hazard. E. Pick-up and drop-off containers and facilities Pick-up and drop-off containers and facilities shall be screened from the first story window(s) of any neighboring dwellings by a solid fence, solid wall, dense hedge, or combination of such features. The hedge, fence or wall must be tall enough to screen the equipment. F. Roof-mounted mechanical equipment 1. Roof-mounted mechanical equipment (e.g., air conditioning, heating, cooling, ventilation, exhaust and similar equipment, but not elevator shafts, solar panels, wind energy or similar renewable energy devices) over 30 inches in height must be screened from ground-level view at the property line in one of the following ways: (a) A parapet wall; (b) A solid screen, which shall be an integral part of the building?s architectural design; or (c) An equipment setback from roof edges that is at least three feet in depth for each one foot of equipment height. 2. Fire safety access shall be provided. G. Trash receptacles and service areas 1. Trash receptacles and service areas (e.g., recycling containers, grease barrels, medical waste bins) must be screened from view of streets and all abutting lots with a solid wall or opaque fence, with doors or gates, at least six feet in height. 2. Trash receptacles and service areas may be located in parking lot but shall not reduce applicable parking requirements. 3. Trash receptacles and service areas may not be located in the required front or side (street) yard. H. Landscape materials and design Landscape material used to satisfy the screening requirements of 4.5.8 are subject to the regulations of 4.5.9. 4.5.9 Landscape material and design A. Landscaping within required landscaped areas Required landscaped areas must be covered with biodegradable mulch and/or ground cover plants. B. Plant types There are three plant types referred to in this section, and all shall require the use of locallyadapted plants. They include canopy trees, understory trees and shrubs, defined as follows: 1. Canopy trees Large deciduous shade trees with a mature height of 30 feet or greater and a mature spread of 30 feet or greater, with a mature height of 20 feet or greater. 2. Understory trees (a) Small deciduous trees or large deciduous shrubs with a mature height of 10 to 30 feet, except under overhead utilities, where lower heights at maturity may be required; or (b) Trees or large shrubs at least 10 feet tall at maturity that usually have green foliage throughout all seasons of the year. 3. Shrubs Prostrate or upright woody plants, either evergreen or deciduous, with a mature height usually less than 10 feet. Evergreen shrubs usually have green foliage throughout all seasons of the year. C. Required fencing and walls Fencing and walls used for required screening and in transitional yards shall: 1. Be constructed of high quality materials, such as decorative blocks, brick, stone, treated wood, or composite wood-like material complementary to the principal structure; Chain-link fences and barbed wire or concertina wire shall not be utilized for screening purposes; 2. Breaks in the fence or wall may be provided for pedestrian connections to adjacent properties; and 3. The maximum length of a continuous, unbroken and uninterrupted fence or wall plane shall be 100 feet; visual relief shall be provided at intervals not exceeding 100 feet through the use of masonry columns at reasonable intervals. D. Existing trees and vegetation Existing non-invasive trees and shrubs count toward satisfying the landscaping regulations of 4.5 if they are located within the subject area and they comply with the plant height and size requirements of 4.5.9. 1. Tree management plan A tree management plan shall be required prior to the removal or destruction of existing trees that are at least five inches in diameter measured at breast height (DBH), including the following information, except as deemed necessary by the zoning administrator: (a) The location, size, condition and species of all trees which are at least five inches in diameter to be preserved or removed; (b) The location, size and species of all trees to be preserved or removed; (c) Specifications for the removal of trees and protection of trees during construction; (d) Proposed grade changes or other potentially injurious work adjacent to trees designated for preservation with specifications for maintaining ground drainage and aeration around such trees; (e) The location, size and species of all trees to be planted; and (f) Such other information that the zoning administrator deems essential. 2. Tree protection during construction (a) Existing trees specified on the landscape plan to remain on the site shall be protected from vehicular movement and material storage over their root spaces during construction. An undisturbed area with a porous surface shall be reserved around a tree, based on the drip line or as specified by an arborist or landscape architect. (b) A temporary tree protection fence shall be installed along the drip line. 3. Tree removal (a) Diseased trees or trees weakened by age, storm, fire or other injury may be removed in accordance with this 4.5.9.D.3. Trees that are damaging or can be reasonably expected to damage buildings, streets, sidewalks or other infrastructure may be removed, subject to verification of site conditions by the zoning administrator. All other tree removal should be based on a consideration of the following: (1) The effect of the proposed tree removal upon the stabilization of soil, lakes, ponds, streams and rivers; (2) The intended use of the property and feasible alternatives which would preserve existing trees; (3) The existing topography, proposed changes in the topography and proposed landscaping; (4) The hardship imposed or the reasonable use denied to the applicant as a result of permit denial; (5) Historical value of the trees; (6) Good horticultural and forestry practices; (7) The effect of the proposed tree removal on the deadening and absorption of sound; (8) The likelihood that the proposed action will adversely affect the control of flooding or soil erosion; (9) The impact of such action on surrounding property or persons; and (10) The consistency of the proposed action with the purpose of 4.5.1. (b) Trees that are approved by the zoning administrator for removal shall be replaced with new trees or large shrubs on the same property and in the same general location. 4.5.10 Alternative compliance In order to encourage creativity in landscape and screening design and to allow for flexibility in addressing atypical, site-specific development/redevelopment challenges, the zoning administrator is authorized to approve alternative compliance landscape plans subject to the following findings: A. The approved administrative alternate meets the intent of the landscaping regulations; B. The approved administrative alternate complies with the comprehensive plan and adopted city plans; and C. The approved administrative alternate is considered equal to or better than the standard. (10-1-16)

Fairfax City City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 110 ZONING Article VI DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 6.13 Chesapeake Bay Reviews 6.13.1 Applicability A. Chesapeake Bay preservation reviews (Chesapeake Bay review) shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of ?6.13. B. All development or redevelopment within a Chesapeake Bay preservation area exceeding 2,500 square feet of disturbed land area shall be subject to the general performance standards in ?4.18.7. C. Routine maintenance is allowed to be performed on flood control or stormwater management facilities that drain or treat water from multiple development projects or from a significant portion of a watershed in order to assure that they continue to function as designed, but it is not the intent of ?6.13 to allow a best management practice that collects and treats runoff from only an individual lot or some portion of the lot to be located within a resource protection area. 6.13.2 Application requirements Applications for Chesapeake Bay review shall be submitted in accordance with ?6.2.3, and shall include the following: A. General 1. If applicable, a subdivision or site plan submitted in accordance with the provisions of chapter 86, Subdivisions, and this chapter; 2. A RPA site-specific study as provided for in ?6.13.2.B.2; 3. If applicable, a water quality impact assessment as required in ?4.18.8; 4. A tree management plan consistent with the provisions of ?4.5.9.D.1; 5. A stormwater management plan consistent with the design and performance standards of ?4.16, Storm drainage facilities; 6. An erosion and sediment control plan consistent with the provisions of ?4.17, Erosion and sediment control; and 7. Copies of all wetlands permits required by law. The required plans and studies shall include the delineation of the RPA boundary, the delineation of required buffer areas, and a maintenance agreement as deemed necessary by the zoning administrator to ensure proper maintenance of best management practices in order to continue their functions. Plans and studies may be coordinated or combined as deemed appropriate by the zoning administrator. However, the zoning administrator may also determine that any of the information required in ?6.13 may be unnecessary due to the scope and nature of the proposed development. B. RPA site-specific study 1. RPA Area (a) The resource protection area shall include the following: (1) Tidal wetlands; (2) Nontidal wetlands connected by surface flow and contiguous to tidal wetlands or water bodies with perennial flow; (3) Tidal shores; (4) Intermittent streams that remain largely in a natural condition and that have not been significantly impacted by adjacent development as depicted on the Chesapeake Bay preservation area map; (5) Water bodies with perennial flow; and (6) A 100-foot vegetated buffer area located adjacent to and landward of the components listed in subparagraphs (1) through (5), above, and expanded to include noncontiguous wetlands within the floodplain that are partially located within the buffer, along both sides of any water body with perennial flow. The full buffer area shall be designated as the landward component of the resource protection area notwithstanding the presence of permitted uses, encroachments or permitted vegetation clearing in compliance with the performance criteria of ?4.18.7. (b) Designation of the six components, above, shall not be subject to modification unless based on reliable, site-specific information in accordance with ?6.13.2.B.2, below. 2. Study requirements An RPA site-specific study shall be submitted as part of the development review procedures required by ?6.13 and in conjunction with site plan or subdivision approval. (a) The RPA site-specific study shall be drawn to scale and clearly delineate the resource protection area components outlined in ?4.18.2.A.1. (b) Wetlands delineations shall be performed consistent with the procedures specified in the Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands, 1987. (c) The RPA site-specific study shall delineate the site-specific geographic extent of the resource protection area. (d) The RPA site-specific study shall be drawn at the same scale as the site plan or subdivision plan and shall be certified by a certified engineer, land surveyor, landscape architect, soil scientist, or wetland delineator. (e) RPA boundaries shall include a jurisdictional determination or verification letter from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for all Waters of the U.S. C. Tree management plan A tree management plan shall be submitted as part of the development review procedures required by ?6.13. No clearing, grading, or construction on any lot or parcel shall be permitted without an approved tree management plan. In addition, the following supplemental information shall be provided for land disturbance, development, or redevelopment activity proposed within the resource protection area: 1. Any required buffer area shall be clearly delineated and any plant material to be added to establish or supplement the buffer area, as required by ?4.18.7.D, shall be shown on the tree management plan. 2. Within the buffer area, trees to be removed for sight lines, vistas, access paths, and best management practices, as provided for in ?4.18, shall be shown on the plan. Vegetation to replace any existing trees within the buffer area shall also be shown on the tree management plan. 3. Trees to be removed for stream bank stabilization projects and any replacement vegetation required by ?4.18 shall be shown on the landscaping plan. D. Stormwater management plan A stormwater management plan shall be submitted as part of the development review procedures required by ?6.13 and in conjunction with site plan or subdivision approval. E. Contents 1. The stormwater management plan shall be developed in accordance with ?4.16, Storm drainage facilities. For facilities, verification of structural soundness, including a professional engineer or class IIIB surveyor certification shall be provided. 2. All engineering calculations shall be performed in accordance with procedures outlined in the current edition of the "Virginia State Stormwater Management Handbook." 3. The plan shall establish a long-term schedule for inspection and maintenance of stormwater management facilities that includes all maintenance requirements and persons responsible for performing maintenance in accordance with ?4.16, Storm drainage facilities. F. Erosion and sediment control plan An erosion and sediment control plan shall be submitted as part of the development review procedures required by ?6.13 in conjunction with site plan or subdivision approval that satisfies the requirements of ?4.17. 6.13.3 Action by director of public works The director of public works will review Chesapeake Bay review applications in accordance with the approval criteria of ?6.13.5. 6.13.4 Action by zoning administrator Based on the results of the review by the director or public works, the zoning administrator shall take one of the following actions: approve the permit, identify those modifications that would allow approval of the permit; approve the permit with conditions; or disapprove the permit. 6.13.5 Approval criteria A. Chesapeake Bay review approvals shall be in compliance with the requirements of ?4.18. B. The VSPM administrator may require physical improvements required by ?4.18 to be bonded in accordance with ?6.8.11 and 110-107 of City Code. 6.13.6 Revocation of approval A Chesapeake Bay review approval shall be revoked if the zoning administrator finds that the terms of the approval have been violated or that there is a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare. 6.13.7 Transfer of Chesapeake Bay review approvals Chesapeake Bay review approvals, and any attached conditions, run with the land and are not affected by changes in tenancy or ownership. 6.13.8 Administrative appeals Final decisions on Chesapeake Bay reviews shall be made within 30 days of the final decision to the board of zoning appeals in accordance with ?6.21. (10-1-16)

Fairfax City City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 110 ZONING Article VI DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 6.8 Site Plan Reviews 6.8.6 Application requirements B. Each site plan shall include the delineation of: 1. Resource protection area and resource management area boundaries, if any, including notations of the following specific state requirements: (a) To retain an undisturbed and vegetated 100-foot wide buffer area, as specified in subdivision 3 of 9VAC25-830-140; (10-1-16)

Falls Church City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 48 ZONING ARTICLE V. SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS DIVISION 8. LANDSCAPING Sec. 48-1183. Required buffer strips between zoning districts. Buffers between different adjacent zoning districts shall apply to all sites whenever a site plan is required for the property upon which it is located. These requirements do not apply to perimeter boundaries that are within the same zoning district. The purpose of the buffer is to visually integrate developments into the existing landscape, buffer lower density districts, and buffer and screen commercial uses, and ensure that a vegetative area of appropriate size and density is located between zoning districts. (1) Buffers shall be continuous pervious planting areas with adequate space to support vegetation both above and below ground. No parking, drive aisles, and utilities shall be permitted in the buffer. (2) The five buffer types are described in this subsection and are summarized in table 1. The matrix to determine the appropriate category to use, depending on the property's zoning district and the surrounding property's zoning district, follows in table 2. A property may abut more than one zoning district; in that case, a different requirement would apply to each side of the property. a. Buffer A: A ten-foot-wide landscape planting strip with a minimum of 25 small shrubs and four canopy trees per 100 linear feet. b. Buffer B: A ten-foot-wide landscape planting strip with a minimum of 25 small shrubs and four canopy trees per 100 linear feet. In addition to this vegetation, a screening element at least six feet in height must be created to consist of either a masonry wall, a combined three-foot-high earthen berm with the required landscaping located atop the berm, or a solid wood fence. c. Buffer C: A seven-foot-wide landscape planting strip with a minimum of 12 evergreen trees per 100 linear feet. In addition to this vegetation, a screening element at least six feet in height must be created to consist of either a masonry wall or a solid wood fence. d. Buffer D: A 20-foot-wide landscape planting strip with a minimum of 25 small shrubs, 25 large shrubs, 12 evergreen trees and four canopy trees per 100 linear feet. e. Buffer E: A 15-foot-wide landscape planting strip with a minimum of 25 large shrubs and four canopy trees per 100 linear feet. In addition to this vegetation, a screening element at least six feet in height must be created to consist of either a masonry wall, a combined three-foot-high earthen berm with the required landscaping located atop the berm, or a solid wood fence. (3) Buffers A, B, C, D, and E are minimum standards for the size and density of the vegetation in the buffer areas. The developer may substitute a more intense buffer type, for example, requirement B being higher than A. In certain situations, as shown in the Table 2, choices for buffer types are given. (4) Existing topographic conditions, such as embankments or berms, may be substituted for part or all of the required buffer area at the discretion of the city arborist. The minimum visual effect shall be equal to or exceed that of the required buffer. The height of the berm shall be measured from the grade of the adjacent property. (5) Existing trees and other vegetation may be used for buffers if they are healthy and are approved as part of the landscaping plan by the city arborist. The minimum quantities and/or visual effect of the existing vegetation shall be equal to or exceed that of the required landscape planting strip. (Code 1982, ? 38-30(e); Ord. No. 1766, 9-13-2004)

Falls Church City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 48 ZONING ARTICLE V. SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS DIVISION 8. LANDSCAPING Sec. 48-1184. Design criteria. (a) Preparation. Landscape plans shall be prepared by a landscape architect, landscape designer, certified arborist or Virginia Certified Nurseryman (VCN). (1) Vegetation should be chosen from the Recommended List of Trees and Shrubs to Plant in the City of Falls Church. The applicant may propose the use of vegetation or designs that fulfill the intent of this section, with the approval of the city arborist. (2) Required vegetation in screening landscape planting strips, landscaping in interior parking lot areas and buffers shall be distributed over their entire lengths and widths. (3) Vegetation may be arranged symmetrically (formal) or asymmetrically (informal) and shall be grouped to form plant clusters. Informal groupings that reflect the natural character of the region are encouraged. (b) Diversity and variety. To increase the diversity of the age and species in the urban forest, consideration shall be given to save mature trees and to plant trees on sites where the tree population is over maturing. Also, to allow for a variety of interest in form, color and height to reduce the opportunity for pest and disease population increase, the following chart shall be used to select the appropriate number of species: Plant Diversity Chart Number of Plant Materials / Min. Number of Species / Max. of any one Species (%) - 0 - 5 / 1 / 100 - 6 - 15 / 2 / 50 -16 - 30 / 3 / 40 - 31 - 50 / 4 / 30 - 50+ / 6 / 20 (c) Location, dimension and spacing. The location, dimension and spacing of required plantings shall be adequate for their proper growth and maintenance, taking into consideration the sizes of such plantings at maturity and the present and future environmental requirements, such as wind, soil, moisture and sunlight. (d) City parkland or other ecologically sensitive areas. Where the required plantings abut city parkland or other ecologically sensitive areas, vegetation shall be noninvasive and be selected from indigenous trees, shrubs and perennials. This is to restrict the introduction of invasive plant species; vegetation shall be determined by the city arborist. (e) Foundation plantings. To soften the edge of the building in the landscape, a five-foot-wide planting area may be required in instances where the proposed building is not abutting the public right-of-way, sidewalks or parking lot. Vegetation should achieve a minimum of 3? feet to five feet in height. (f) Street trees. Street trees shall be required when they abut or lie within a proposed subdivision or development and/or redevelopment along all proposed public and private streets. (1) Where there is no public right-of-way, a perpetual easement for street tree planting and maintenance may be requested of the developer and recorded on the development plan. (2) Trees placed in the public right-of-way shall become the responsibility of the city to maintain and replace. (3) Tree canopy coverage provided by street trees planted in conjunction with residentially zoned R1-A or R1-B lots may be credited towards the lot's minimum canopy coverage requirements. (g) Off-street parking structures. Off-street parking structures shall conform to all applicable provisions of article V, division 6 of this chapter, pertaining to yard requirements. Landscaping shall be provided and maintained in all yards. Suitable facades shall be provided as part of the structure. Landscaping requirements shall not apply to parking spaces within such structures. A wall at least 3? feet in height shall surround any parking which is on top of a structure, and suitable plantings shall be provided to buffer the view of such parking from nearby properties and rights-of-way. (h) Landscape borders. All landscaped areas adjacent to any vehicular travel way, parking space or other vehicular use area shall be bordered by a six-inch concrete header curb. Wheel stops or other appropriate devices may be substituted when the department of public works determines that such alternative devices are needed for drainage purposes. (i) Sight distance for landscaping adjacent to points of access. Plantings shall be selected and located so they do not contribute to conditions that may be hazardous to public safety. Such locations include, but are not limited to, public street rights-of-way, underground and aboveground utilities. (j) Accessway interacting with public right-of way. When an accessway intersects a public right-of-way, all landscaping within the triangular areas described in this subsection shall provide unobstructed horizontal visibility between three feet and six feet above pavement level. Tree trunks may be permitted in these areas provided they do not constitute a traffic hazard. The triangular areas referred to in this subsection are formed by each side of the accessway and public right-of-way line, with each side being ten feet in length from the point of intersection, and the third side being a line connecting the ends of the two other sides. (k) Landscaping adjustments after installation. In the event that the landscaping materials approved by the planning commission cannot be installed due to unavailability, or if the installed varieties fail, substitute materials may be installed, provided they are approved by the city arborist. (l) Exceptions. The planning commission may waive or modify the requirements of this section where adjacent properties are developed under a unified site plan or where the strict interpretation of these provisions would reduce the usable area of a site to a point that would preclude a reasonable use. In such instances, special landscaping and/or architectural techniques may be required in lieu of the requirements of this subsection. The planning commission may also attach conditions to any such waiver or modification to ensure that the results of the waiver of modification shall be in accord with the purposes and intent of this subsection. (Code 1982, ? 38-30(f); Ord. No. 1766, 9-13-2004)

Franklin ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
APPEDIX A. ZONING ORDINANCE [This Appendix D contains the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Franklin adopted on 4-11-1994. Except for nonsubstantive stylistic changes, these provisions are set out as enacted. Words appearing in brackets [ ] were added by the editor for clarity.] Division 2. Buffer Areas Sec. 25.3. Buffer areas ? Intent. The intent of this division is to provide standards for the installation of a visual and vegetative separation between incompatible or different uses and to promote, where feasible, the preservation of existing vegetation rather than the removal of existing vegetation and installation of new plant materials in a required buffer area. [Amended by Ord. No. 2004-22, 8-23-2004] Sec. 25.4. Vegetation, permitted uses and grading within buffer areas. Buffer areas shall meet the requirements of this division by any combinations of the following: (1) Allowing natural vegetation to remain; (2) Removing dead, diseased or unsightly vegetation; and/or (3) Installing supplemental plantings. Driveways are permitted in buffer areas and should intersect with public streets as near to a 90-degree angle as is practical given the shape and topography of the property. Some grading in buffer areas may be permitted. [Amended by Ord. No. 2004-22, 8-23-2004] Sec. 25.5. Location of buffer areas. Unless an alternate location is approved by the zoning administrator, or his or her designee, all required buffer areas shall be located generally parallel to the perimeter of any lot, but should stop at the front yard setback line. All required buffer areas shall be clearly labeled and dimensioned on the landscape plans. [Amended by Ord. No. 2004-22, 8-23-2004] Sec. 25.6. Width of buffer areas and type of planting. (a) Buffer widths shall be based on the land use classifications of proposed and adjacent uses. Such classifications are set forth in ? 25.8. (b) New developments shall provide buffer areas to separate the proposed use from adjacent uses(s) of the width and with the type of planting set forth Table 1 below,[1] whether by preservation of existing vegetation, installation of new plantings or a combination thereof. [Amended by Ord. No. 2004-22, 8-23-2004] [1]: Editor's Note: The Table of Buffer Widths is included at the end of ? 25.9. Sec. 25.7. Meeting buffer requirements. (a) If the proposed development is adjacent to improved property then the entire buffer requirements shall be met. (b) If the proposed development is adjacent to unimproved property then one-half of the buffer requirements shall be met. [Amended by Ord. No. 2004-22, 8-23-2004] Sec. 25.8. Land use classifications. (a) Class 1: Low density residential use equal to or less than four units per acre, public parks, resource conservation areas, greenways, recorded permanent open space, farms and similar low density uses as determined by the zoning administrator in his discretion. (b) Class 2: Medium density residential use of five to 12 units per acre. Professional and other business offices, studios, agencies, and laboratories (with no drive-in services or automated teller machines). Civic clubs, housing for fraternal organizations. Bed and breakfast establishments and rooming houses. Funeral homes, cemeteries, grave sites. Telegraph, CATV, radio, and television broadcasting and transmission facilities. Fire stations and facilities housing emergency service vehicles, police precinct, and support training facilities. Churches, synagogues, convents, monasteries. Public and private schools, secondary and elementary schools but not stadiums. Golf courses other than driving ranges and miniature golf. Day care facilities, adult care day care facilities, assisted living/care facilities, and convalescent care facilities. Beauty salons and barber shops. Tanning salons. Similar medium density uses as determined by the zoning administrator in his discretion. All accessory uses serving the uses listed in this section. ? Class 3: High density residential use of more than 12 units per acre including multi-family apartments and townhouses. Retail sales and services, commercial uses, sales and service of equipment. Eating establishments, food stores, uses with any drive-in service, automated teller machines or both. Hotels, motels, and campgrounds. Colleges, universities, technical and specialty schools, vocational schools, instructional facilities, libraries, galleries, and museums. Hospitals and asylums. Outdoor stadiums, theaters, racetracks, coliseums or civic centers of less than 250 seats, indoor movie theaters. Plant nurseries. Similar high density uses as determined by the zoning administrator in his discretion. All accessory uses serving the uses listed in this section. (d) Class 4: Industrial and manufacturing uses including processing of materials, bulk products, fabricating, manufacturing, mixing, printing, assembly, cutting or repairing of articles, and products for handling or the distribution of materials, articles, or products. Mini warehouse storage facilities, warehousing and distribution centers, or storing indoors or outdoors as a primary use, wholesaling, outdoor storage of contractors equipment, coal or lumber yard, and scrap yard. Storage in bulk quantities, above or below ground, of flammable or combustible liquids and hazardous chemicals, but not storage at gasoline service stations in quantities for retail sales to the general public nor storage for consumption on the premise. Transportation facilities, terminals, depots, storage of trains, trucks, buses and other vehicles. Airfields, landing strips, heliports, railroad freight and passenger stations. Utility power, treatment, or gas plants, incinerators, storage terminals, water towers and tanks not located on a roof, and accessory uses and parking. The temporary or permanent outdoor storage of vehicles, including wrecked, dismantled or partially dismantled vehicles, manufactured homes, boats, aircraft, farm machinery, taxis, automobiles, buses, trucks and motorcycles as the primary use (such as parking garages, dealers, parking rental lots, and park 'n' ride lots); or vehicles in excess of eight used in the operation of a business or service (such as motor pool and fleet vehicles). The raising of, the processing of, or the slaughtering of animals and insects, but not pasture lands. Landfills, indoor or outdoor reclamation facility, storage of recyclable materials, and unlicensed, uninspected, wrecked, crushed, dismantled or partially dismantled vehicles. Quarry and mining operations. Outdoor stadiums, race tracks, theaters and coliseums or civic centers of 250 or more seats, and outdoor movie theaters. Penal and correctional institutions. Recreational outdoor use ? commercial, (excluding golf courses), including membership and non-membership facilities, but not including recreational use related to residential development, or recreational use restricted to membership ? not for profit in a residential district. Public utilities substations. Shopping centers, shopping areas, and automotive service and repair facilities. Outdoor storage for the operation of any of the uses listed in this part. Outdoor rifle ranges. Kennels. All accessory uses serving the uses listed in this section. [Amended by Ord. No. 2004-22, 8-23-2004] Sec. 25.9. Required number of buffer plantings. (a) The following buffer plantings are required for every 100 lineal feet of buffer length: For a 15-foot wide buffer: 25 shrubs. For a 25-foot wide buffer: 40 shrubs. For a 30-foot wide buffer: 55 shrubs. (b) Additional buffer planting shall be required on a prorated basis for every additional 20 lineal feet of buffer length. Table of Buffer Widths Based On Use Classifications Use Classification: Use Classification of Adjacent Use(s) and Buffer Width ( Class 1 (ft) / Class 2 (f / Class 3 (f / Class 4 (ft) Class 1: / 1 / 2 / 30 Class 2: 1 / / 1 / 25 Class 3: 2 / 1 / / 15 Class 4: 3 / 2 / 1 / 0 [Amended by Ord. No. 2004-22, 8-23-2004] Sec. 25.10. Types of landscaping required for buffer areas. Evergreen shrubs planted to meet the requirements of this section shall be planted at a minimum of 24 inches in height at time of planting and should achieve a minimum height of five feet within five years of planting. Shrubs planted on berms may have a lesser mature height but the combination of shrub height and berm height shall be at least equivalent to the minimum height required. No shrub shall be planted further than six feet from another shrub on center and shall be at least six feet from existing trees. Developers are encouraged to leave existing, attractive, healthy trees in the buffer area. [Amended by Ord. No. 2004-22, 8-23-2004]

Franklin ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
APPEDIX A. ZONING ORDINANCE [This Appendix D contains the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Franklin adopted on 4-11-1994. Except for nonsubstantive stylistic changes, these provisions are set out as enacted. Words appearing in brackets [ ] were added by the editor for clarity.] Division 4. Street Yard Landscaping Sec. 25.15. Intent. This division is intended to establish a landscaped area adjacent and parallel to any public street right-of-way. This street yard shall be planted with live, healthy trees to provide a pleasing appearance, a continuity of vegetation, a reduction in impervious surfaces, a reduction in stormwater runoff, improvements in air quality and increased shaded areas. [Amended by Ord. No. 2004-22, 8-23-2004] ? 25.16. Street yard design standards. (a) Generally. Street yards shall be landscaped with live vegetation and maintained by the property owner. Such landscaping may be used to help satisfy the requirements for buffer areas (division 2) and vehicular use area landscaping (division 3). (b) Impervious surfaces. Access driveways shall cross the street yard as near to a 90-degree angle as is practical given the shape and topography of the property. No other impervious surfaces may be used in calculating the street yard area requirements. ? Tree quantity. Street yards shall contain at least one canopy tree for every 50 linear feet of street yard, or fraction thereof, for the entire frontage of the site. Trees may be grouped together to enhance the appearance of the site and enhance the design of the landscaping, but no trees shall be installed closer than ten feet on center. No more than 25 percent of the required trees shall be evergreen. (d) Tree size. Trees shall be a minimum of 1 3/4 to two inches in caliper measured one foot above grade and a minimum of eight feet in height at installation and shall be expected to achieve a minimum height of 35 feet at maturity unless the canopy of such a tree will be impaired by utility lines, in which case two small trees may be substituted therefor. ? Existing trees. Existing trees may be used to satisfy the requirements for street yard planting, provided that these trees meet the size requirements of subsection (d) above and are maintained in a healthy growing condition before, during and after development of the site. (f) Street yard width and area requirements. All new developments shall provide a street yard that averages at least ten feet in width and is no less than six feet in width at any point along its street frontage as measured perpendicularly to the public street right-of-way. The minimum area of the street yard in square feet shall be equal to the length of the property along the right-of-way in linear feet times ten. Street yard widths in excess of 20 feet shall not be calculated in determining the minimum area. Access drives are excluded in calculating the length of the street yard. [Amended by Ord. No. 2004-22, 8-23-2004]

Fredericksburg City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 72. Unified Development Ordinance [HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Fredericksburg 10-8-2013 by Ord. No. 13-16; recodified 12-12-2013. Amendments noted where applicable.] SECTION 72-55. Landscaping Sec. 72-55.4. Perimeter landscape buffers. A. Purpose and intent. Perimeter landscape buffers are intended to mitigate potential negative effects of contiguous uses in differing zoning districts. B. Applicability. All development shall provide a perimeter landscape buffer to separate it from differently-zoned adjacent property in accordance with Table 72-55.4C, Buffer Types, and Table 72-55.4D, Buffer Type Application. C. Buffer types. Table 72-55.4C, Buffer Types, describes two different buffering options in terms of their function, opacity, width, and planting requirements. Where a particular buffer type is required in Table 72-55.4D, Buffer Type Applications, the requirement may be met by using either of the buffer options (a narrow option with a wall is also an option). Where an option utilizing a berm or fence is selected, the berm or fence shall comply with the standards of ? 72-55.1C(4), Berms, or ? 72-56, Fences and walls, as appropriate.

Hampton ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
ZONING ORDINANCE Chapter 9 OVERLAY DISTRICTS ARTICLE II. O-CBP DISTRICT?CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION OVERLAY Sec. 9-14. Regulations for development and redevelopment. (1) Permitted uses include all uses permitted in the underlying zone. (2) Restrictions on permitted uses: (a) General performance criteria for development and redevelopment within resource management areas, resource protection areas and intensely developed areas: (i) Land disturbance shall be limited to the area necessary to provide for the proposed use or development. In accordance with an approved site plan, the limits of land disturbance, including clearing or grading, shall be clearly shown on submitted plans and physically marked on the development site. (ii) Indigenous vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practicable, consistent with the proposed use or development, and in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. (aa) Existing healthy trees exhibiting a minimum trunk diameter of six (6) inches, measured four and one-half (4?) feet from the ground, shall be preserved outside the limits of clearing. (bb) Clearing shall be allowed only to provide a building site, necessary parking, necessary access, positive site drainage, stormwater BMPs, and the installation of utilities, as approved by the zoning administrator or the director of public works, as appropriate. (cc) Prior to clearing or grading, suitable protection measures for undisturbed areas, as outlined in chapters 13.1 and 33.1 of the city code and the "City of Hampton Landscape Guidelines" shall be followed. ? (b) Other restrictions applicable to the RPA (RPA Regulations): ? (iii) Buffer area requirements for RPAs: (gg) In order to maintain the functional value of the buffer area, indigenous vegetation may be removed, subject to approval of the zoning administrator, only to provide for reasonable sight lines, access paths, general woodlot management, and best management practices including those that prevent upland erosion and concentrated flows of stormwater, as follows: 1. Trees may be pruned or removed as necessary to provide for sight lines and vistas, provided that if removed, they shall be replaced with other vegetation that is equally effective in retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering non-point source pollution from runoff. 2. Any path shall be constructed and surfaced so as to effectively control erosion. 3. Dead, diseased or dying trees or shrubbery and noxious weeds (such as Johnson grass, kudzu and muitiflora rose) may be removed and thinning of trees allowed as permitted by the zoning administrator or his designee pursuant to sound horticultural practices. 4. For shoreline erosion control projects, trees and woody vegetation may be removed, necessary control techniques employed, and appropriate vegetation established to protect or stabilize the shoreline in accordance with the best available technical advice and applicable permit conditions or requirements. ? ? (Ord. No. Z15-15, 8-12-2015)

Manassas City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 130 ZONING ARTICLE XIII. SITE PLAN COMPLIANCE WITH DCSM Sec. 130-766. Improvements required to be shown on final site plans. In order to ensure public safety, general welfare and convenience, the following improvements shall be required and shown on all final site plans: ? (12) A landscape plan: a. Indicating the general location and type of significant or specimen trees located within the limits of the planned development area. B. Identifying the planting or replacement of trees in conformance with article VII. (13) When a parcel abuts a public street and is located in a B-1, B-2, B-4, I-1 or I-2 zoning district, the following improvements shall be required: ? e. Trees or groups of trees shall be planted within the buffer area at alternating distances from the public street right-of-way where no utility easement is required. Where a utility easement is required, trees shall be planted within the buffer area at alternating distances from the utility easement. There shall be a sufficient number of trees planted to achieve a 50 percent tree canopy over the buffer area at ten-year maturity. Trees or groups of trees shall be located so that there is no greater than 20 feet between the canopies of the trees or groups of trees at ten-year maturity. In addition, shrubs may be planted within the landscaped buffer area but may not serve as credit towards the required tree canopy. F. The type of trees planted within the buffer area shall be approved by the city horticulturist as being in conformance with the specifications of the DCSM. (Code 1978, ? 34.1-237; Ord. No. O-2000-18, ? 34.1-237; 3-27-2000; Ord. No. O-2002-22, ? 34.1-237, 2-1-2002)

Martinsville ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
APPENDIX B ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION XIV: LANDSCAPING STANDARDS A. Purpose and goals. The purpose shall be to provide landscaping and buffering guidelines for developers and builders to follow in the design, installation, and maintenance of proposed high density residential, commercial and industrial development projects. The goal shall be to promote quality landscaping design throughout the city while integrating various elements of site design, preserving and enhancing the particular identity of the site, and creating a pleasing site character. Landscaping may include plant materials such as trees, shrubs, ground covers, perennials, and annuals, and other materials such as rocks, water, sculpture, art, walls, fences, paving materials, and street furniture. B. Applicability and exemptions. 1. Applicability: These requirements shall apply to: a. New principal building or use. Principal buildings or open spaces of land constructed, reconstructed, or established after the adoption of this ordinance. b. Changes in use which result in higher intensity use that may be deemed incompatible with abutting property or properties. c. Expansions. All expansions of buildings, parking areas, or open uses of land, except the first five hundred (500) square feet of expansion. 2. Exemptions: These requirements shall not apply to: a. Existing and proposed single-family detached dwellings or two-family dwellings on their own lots. b. Property lines abutting railroad rights-of-way and utility easements in excess of sixty (60) feet in width. c. Property lines abutting dedicated street right-of-way which has remained open for a period of at least fifteen (15) years. C. Landscape plan. A landscape plan shall be submitted with each site plan application, unless the zoning administrator determines the project is of a minor nature or would cause minimum impact on surrounding private or public facilities. The administrator may waive any or all of the landscape plan requirements. The plan shall identify: 1. Existing and proposed trees. 2. Shrubs and ground covers. 3. Natural features such as rock outcroppings. 4. Landscaping elements. 5. Location of proposed plantings. 6. Construction details. 7. Where existing plantings are to be retained 8. Proposed methods of protecting existing plantings during construction. D. Site protection and general planting requirements. 1. Topsoil preservation. Topsoil moved during the course of construction shall be redistributed on all re-graded surfaces so as to provide at least four (4) inches of even cover to all disturbed areas of the development and shall be stabilized by seeding and planting. 2. Removal of debris. All stumps and other tree parts, litter, brush, weeds, excess or scrap building materials or other debris shall be removed from the site within thirty (30) days of notification by the zoning administrator and disposed of in accordance with the law. No tree stumps, or portions of tree trunks or limbs shall be buried anywhere in the development. All dead or dying trees, standing or fallen, shall be removed from the site within thirty (30) days of notification by the zoning administrator. If trees or limbs are reduced to chips, they may be used as mulch in landscaped areas, subject to approval by the administrator. 3. Protection of existing plantings. Maximum effort should be made to save fine specimens. No material or temporary soil deposits shall be placed within four (4) feet of shrubs or ten (10) feet of trees designated on the landscape plan to be retained. Protective barriers or tree wells shall be installed around each plant and/or group of plants that are to remain on the site. Barriers shall not be supported by the plants they are protecting, but shall be self supporting. They shall be a minimum of four (4) feet high and constructed of a durable material that will last until construction is completed. Snow fences and silt fences are examples of acceptable barriers. 4. Slope plantings. Landscaping of all cuts and fills and/or terraces shall be sufficient to prevent erosion, and all roadway slopes steeper than one foot vertically to three (3) feet horizontally shall be planted with ground cover appropriate for the purpose and the soil conditions, water availability and environment. 5. Additional landscaping. In high density residential developments, besides the screening and street trees required, additional plantings or landscaping elements may be required where necessary for privacy, or other reasons in accordance with the landscape plan approved by the planning commission and taking into consideration cost restraints. In nonresidential developments, all areas of the site not occupied by buildings and required improvements shall be landscaped by the planting of grass or other ground cover, shrubs, and trees as part of the landscape plan approved by the planning commission. 6. Planting specifications. Deciduous trees shall have at least a two-inch caliper at planting. Size of evergreens and shrubs shall be allowed to vary depending on setting and type of shrub. Only nursery grown plant materials shall be acceptable, and all trees, shrubs, and ground covers shall be planted according to accepted horticultural standards. Dead and dying plants shall be removed from the site within thirty (30) days of notification by the zoning administrator and shall be replaced by the developer during the following planting season. 7. Plant species. The plant species selected should be hardy for this climactic zone and growing season and appropriate in terms of function and size. E. Shade trees. 1. Location. Shade trees shall be installed in accordance with the approved landscape plan. Trees shall be either massed or spaced evenly as design and/or topographic considerations may determine. When trees are planted at predetermined intervals along streets, spacing shall depend on tree size, as follows. When the spacing interval exceeds forty (40) feet, small ornamental trees can be placed between the larger trees. If a street canopy effect is desired, trees may be planted closer together following the recommendations of a landscape professional. The trees shall be planted so as not to interfere with utilities, roadways, sidewalks, sight easements, or street lights. Tree location, landscaping design, and spacing plan shall be approved by the planning commission as part of the landscape plan. 2. Tree type. Tree type may vary depending on overall effect desired, but as a general rule, all trees on a street shall be the same kind except to achieve special effects. Selection of tree type shall be approved by the planning commission. 3. Planting specifications. All trees shall have a caliper of two (2) inches and be nursery grown, of substantially uniform size and shape, and have straight trunks. Trees shall be properly planted and staked and provision made by the applicant for regular watering and maintenance until they are established. Dead and dying trees shall be removed from the site within thirty (30) days of notification by the zoning administrator and shall be replaced by the applicant during the next planting season. F. Buffering. 1. Function and materials. Buffering shall provide a year round visual screen in order to minimize adverse impacts. It may consist of fencing, evergreens, berms, rocks, boulders, mounds, or combinations thereof to achieve the same objectives. 2. When required. Every development shall provide sufficient buffering when topographical or other barriers do not provide reasonable screening and when the planning commission determines that there is a need (1) to shield neighboring properties from any adverse external effects of a development; or (2) to shield the development from negative impacts of adjacent uses such as streets or railroads. In high density residential developments, when building design and siting do not provide privacy, the planning commission may require landscaping, fences, or walls to screen dwelling units for privacy. Buffers shall be measured from side and rear property lines, excluding driveways. 3. Amount required. a. Where a professional or business zoned development abuts a residential zoning district, a natural buffer strip twenty-five (25) feet in width shall be required. Where site considerations do not allow a natural buffer of twenty-five (25) feet width, a solid privacy fence or wall may be substituted for all or a portion of that buffer, as determined by the zoning administrator. b. Where a commercial zoned development abuts a residential zoning district, a natural buffer strip of fifty (50) feet in width shall be required. Where site considerations do not allow a natural buffer of fifty (50) feet width, a solid privacy fence or wall and twenty-five (25) feet natural buffer strip may substitute. c. Where an industrial zoned development abuts a residential zoning district, a natural buffer strip of one hundred (100) feet in width shall be required. Where site considerations do not allow a natural buffer of one hundred (100) feet width, a solid privacy fence or wall and fifty (50) feet natural buffer strip may substitute. d. Parking lots, garbage collection and utility areas, and loading and unloading areas shall be screened around their perimeters by a buffer strip a minimum of five (5) feet width or privacy fence or wall, as determined by the zoning administrator. e. Where residential subdivisions abut higher order streets (collectors or arterials), adjacent lots shall front on lower order streets, and a landscaped buffer area shall be provided along the property line abutting the road. The buffer strip shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet wide or wider where necessary for the health and safety of the residents. It shall include both trees and shrubs. 4. Design. Arrangement of plantings in buffers shall provide maximum protection to adjacent properties and avoid damage to existing plant material. Possible arrangements include planting in parallel, serpentine, and broken rows. If planted berms are used, the minimum top width shall be four (4) feet, and the maximum side slope shall be 2:1. 5. Planting specifications. Plant materials should be sufficiently large and planted in such a fashion that a year-round screen at least eight (8) feet in height shall be produced within one growing season. All plantings shall be installed according to accepted horticultural standards. 6. Maintenance. Plantings shall be watered regularly and in a manner appropriate for the specific plant species through the first growing season, and dead and dying plants shall be removed within thirty (30) days of notification by the zoning administrator and shall be replaced by the property owner during the next planting season. No buildings, structures, storage of materials, or parking shall be permitted within the buffer area; buffer areas shall be maintained and kept free of all debris, rubbish, weeds, and tall grass. G. Parking lot standards. 1. Amount. In parking lots the interior parking area shall be landscaped with plantings of one tree for each ten (10) parking spaces. Parking lot street frontage screening and perimeter screening shall be a minimum of five (5) feet wide. Planting required within the parking is exclusive of other planting requirements, such as shade trees planted along the street. 2. Location. The landscaping should be located in protected areas, such as along walkways, in center islands, at the end of bays, or between parking stalls. All landscaping in parking areas and on street frontage shall be placed so that it will not obstruct sight distance. 3. Plant type. A mixture of hardy flowering and/or decorative evergreen and deciduous trees may be planted. The evergreens should be used along the perimeter of the lot for screening, and the deciduous trees for shade within the lot. The area between the trees shall be mulched, planted with shrubs or ground cover, or covered with paving materials. Any area that will extend under the overhang of vehicles shall be mulched or covered with paving material. K. General requirements and minimum standards. 1. All required landscaping shall be installed prior to the issuance of a permanent certificate of occupancy. 2. There shall be a minimum street frontage planting strip of five (5) feet in width across the entire lot frontage. This may be a combination of scrubs, trees, grass, and varied landscaping elements. There shall be a minimum of one medium sized shade tree required per each forty (40) feet of lot frontage. All shade trees shall be a minimum of two-inch caliper at time of planting. 3. Existing trees preserved on the site may be used to satisfy the requirements for landscaping. Any tree used to meet the requirements of this ordinance must be at least three (3) inch caliper, in healthy condition, and be protected from construction activity. 4. The owner of the property upon which the required landscaping or buffering is installed shall be responsible for perpetual maintenance and replacement. If any required tree, shrub, or other landscaping element shall die or be removed after issuance of the certificate of occupancy, the developer, his or her successors or assigns, shall replace each by the end of the next planting season with trees or shrubs of like character. 5. Species of trees shall not be planted if the roots cause damage to public works, the branches are subject to high incidence of breakage, and the fruit is considered a nuisance or high maintenance as determined by the director of public works. 6. Landscaping shall not obstruct the view of motorists using any street, private driveway, parking isles, or the approach to any street intersection so as to constitute a traffic hazard or a condition dangerous to the public safety. Whenever the enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance may be deemed a traffic hazard, the zoning administrator may waive any or all requirements. L. Suggested trees and shrubs. 1. Street and shade trees: Green Ash, Red Maple, Norway Maple, Sugar Maple, Red Oak, Willow Oak, Japanese Pagoda Tree, Silver Linden, Zelkova, Yellowwood, Bald Cypress. 2. Ornamental or flowering trees: Amur Maple, Dogwood (Kousa), Washington Hawthorn, Plum, Serviceberry, Redbud, Callery Pear, Crepe Myrtle, Gingko Tree, Crab Apple. 3. Evergreen or flowering shrubs: English Yew, Japanese Yew, Azalea, Chinese Holly, Rhododendren, Abelia, Cotoneaster, Forsythia, Viburnum, Winged Euonymus, Flowering Quince, Shadbow. 4. Buffering/screening: Austrian Pine, Norway Spruce, American Holly, Arborvitae, Foster Holly, White Pine.

Middleburg ZONING ORDINANCE  View whole ordinance
MIDDLEBURG ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE XV. BUFFERING, SCREENING AND TREES Section 208: Applicability This article shall apply to all site plan and subdivision applications approved after the effective date of this ordinance. This article applies to the construction of any parking lot containing more than five parking spaces. This article shall apply to the enlargement of any parking lot resulting in more than five spaces but not to the resurfacing of an existing lot. (Amended 02/10/05) Part I. Buffering and Screening Section 209: Purpose (a) Minimal buffering and screening can provide an impression of separation of spaces and more extensive screening can shield entirely one use from another; (b) Buffering and screening can provide a greater sense of privacy from visual or physical intrusion varying with the intensity of the screening; ? Buffering and screening can protect and enhance property values; and (d) Buffering and screening protect the general health, safety and welfare of the town and its residents. Section 210: General Buffering and Screening Standards Every development shall provide sufficient buffering and screening so that neighboring properties are screened from any adverse effects of the development and the development is screened from any adverse effects of adjacent uses such as streets. Section 211: Compliance with Buffering and Screening Standards (a) The following buffer yards shall be provided between various uses: (1) Commercial adjacent to residential: 15 feet (2) Commercial adjacent to institutional: 10 feet (3) Commercial adjacent to agricultural conservancy: 15 feet (4) Multi-family residential next to single family, duplex, townhouses or commercial: 20 feet (5) Residential adjacent to agricultural conservancy: 15 feet (6) Institutional adjacent to residential: 15 feet (7) Institutional adjacent to commercial: 10 feet (8) Institutional adjacent to agricultural conservancy: 15 feet A solid wall or fence at least six (6) feet in height may be used to reduce the required buffer yard by 50 percent, if the remaining yard can be effectively planted. (Amended 02/10/05) (b) Buffer yards shall contain sufficient trees and shrubs to provide an opaque screen between uses. An opaque screen is intended to exclude all visual contact between uses and to create a strong impression of separation. In general, small trees planted at a rate of 1 tree per 30 feet or large canopy trees planted at a rate of 1 tree per 40 feet and 1 evergreen tree planted at a rate of 1 tree per 20 feet shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this section. Evergreen shrubs planted at a rate of 3 shrubs per 10 feet in buffer yards of 10 feet and doubled in buffer yards of 25 feet shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this section. Plants should be placed to achieve maximum screening from intensive use areas of adjoining properties. Existing vegetation, such as hedgerows and trees, may be used to satisfy the requirements of this Section. ? No required buffer yard shall exceed 10 percent of the lot area of the subject property, but in no instance shall the buffer yard be less than five feet. Section 212: Flexibility in Administration Required (a) The council recognizes that the buffering and screening requirements of this article cannot address every situation because of the wide variety of developments and the relationships between them. The council may permit deviations from the presumptive requirements of Section 211 whenever such deviations meet or exceed the standards contained in Section 210. (b) Whenever the council allows or requires a deviation from the requirements of Section 211, it shall include the screening requirement on the zoning permit along with the reasons for allowing or requiring the deviation.

Newport News City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 37.1 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ARTICLE V. CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION Sec. 37.1-51. - Performance standards. (a) Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of these requirements, as set forth in section 37.1-47(a), is to establish criteria to implement the following objectives: prevent a net increase in nonpoint source pollution from development; achieve a ten (10) percent reduction in nonpoint source pollution from redevelopment; and achieve a forty (40) percent reduction in nonpoint source pollution from agricultural and silvicultural uses. The performance standards recognize that diverse local circumstances require varying methods for protecting water quality. The performance standards establish the means to minimize erosion and sedimentation potential, reduce land application of nutrients and toxins, and maximize rainwater infiltration. Where land is undeveloped and not actively used, natural ground cover, especially woody vegetation, is most effective in holding soil in place and preventing site erosion. Indigenous vegetation, with its adaptability to local conditions without the use of harmful fertilizers or pesticides, filters stormwater runoff. Minimizing impervious cover enhances rainwater infiltration and effectively reduces stormwater runoff potential. ? (b) General performance standards for development and redevelopment. Performance standards for development and redevelopment within all Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas, except within industrial waterfront IDAs, are set forth in subsection (1). Performance standards for development and redevelopment within all resource protection areas, except within Industrial Waterfront IDAs, are set forth in subsection (2). Performance standards for development and redevelopment within industrial waterfront IDA's are set forth in subsections (3). (1) Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas. The following performance standards for development and redevelopment apply in all Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas except industrial waterfront IDAs and as otherwise hereinafter set forth. ? f. Indigenous vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practicable consistent with the use or development proposed and in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, as adopted by Article VII of this Chapter. 1. Existing trees shall be preserved outside the limits of land disturbance. Diseased trees or trees weakened by age, storm, fire, or other injury may be removed, pursuant to section 37.1-51(b)(2)a. 2. Clearing shall be allowed only to provide necessary vehicular access, positive site drainage, water quality BMPs, and the installation of utilities as approved by the city manager, or designee. 3. Prior to clearing or grading, suitable protective barriers, such as fencing shall be erected five (5) feet outside of the dripline of any tree or stand of trees to be preserved. These protective barriers shall remain so erected throughout all phases of construction. The storage of equipment, materials, debris, or fill shall not be allowed within the area protected by the barrier unless otherwise authorized by the city manager, or designee. ? (2) Resource protection area buffer requirements. Except as hereinafter set forth, the following requirements shall apply within all resource protection areas. Development and redevelopment within industrial waterfront IDAs is exempt from these requirements. To minimize the adverse effects of human activities on the other components of resource protection areas, state waters, and aquatic life, it is recognized that a one hundred-foot vegetative buffer area is effective in retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering nonpoint source pollution from runoff. A vegetated buffer area not less than one hundred (100) feet in width shall be established where it does not exist and retained where already present. The buffer area shall be located adjacent to and landward of all RPA components and along both sides of any water body with perennial flow. The full buffer area shall be designated as the landward component of the RPA, in accordance with sections 37.1-49, areas of applicability and 37.1-52, plan of development. The one hundred (100) foot buffer area shall be deemed to achieve a seventy-five (75) percent reduction of sediments and a forty (40) percent reduction of nutrients. The buffer area shall be maintained to meet the following additional performance standards: a. In order to maintain the functional value of the buffer area, indigenous vegetation may be removed subject to approval by the city manager, or designee, only to provide for reasonable sight lines, access paths, general woodlot management and Best Management Practices, as follows: 1. Trees may be pruned or removed as necessary to provide for reasonable sight lines and vistas, provided that where they are removed, they shall be replaced with other vegetation that is equally effective in retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering nonpoint source pollution from runoff. 2. Any path shall be constructed and surfaced so as to effectively control erosion. 3. Dead, diseased, or dying trees or shrubbery and noxious weeds may be removed, and thinning of trees allowed pursuant to sound horticultural standard, subject to approval of the city manager, or designee. 4. For shoreline erosion control projects, trees and woody vegetation may be removed, necessary control techniques employed, and appropriate vegetation established to protect or stabilize the shoreline in accordance with the best available technical advice and applicable permit conditions or requirements. b. When the application of the buffer areas would result in the loss of a buildable area on a lot or parcel recorded prior to October 1, 1989 the city manager, or designee, may allow encroachment into the buffer area in accordance with section 37.1-52, plan of development and the following criteria: 1. Encroachments into the buffer area shall be the minimum necessary to achieve a reasonable buildable area for a principal structure and necessary utilities. 2. Where practicable, a vegetated area that will maximize water quality protection, mitigate the effect of buffer encroachment, and is, equal to the area of encroachment into the buffer area shall be established elsewhere on the lot or parcel. 3. The encroachment may not extend into the seaward fifty (50) feet of the buffer area. c. When the application of the buffer area would result in the loss of a buildable area on a lot or parcel recorded between October 1, 1989 and July 1, 2004, encroachments into the buffer area may be allowed through an administrative process in accordance with the following criteria: 1. The lot or parcel was created as a result of a legal process conducted in conformity with the city's subdivision regulations; 2. Conditions or mitigation measures imposed through previously approved exceptions shall be met; 3. If the use of a Best Management Practice (BMP) was previously required, the BMP shall be evaluated to determine if it continues to function effectively and, if necessary, the BMP shall be re-established or repaired and maintained as required; and 4. The criteria in subdivision (2)b. of this section shall be met. ? (Ord. No. 7017-13, ? 1; Ord. No. 7088-14, ? 1)

Newport News City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 45 ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE X. R5 LOW DENSITY MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-1006. Landscaping. A planting plan shall be filed with the site plan, required by the Site Plan Ordinance of the City Code and shall show all required open space areas, buffer areas, trees and plantings. (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1) ARTICLE XI. R6 MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-1106. Landscaping. A planting plan shall be filed with the site plan required by the Site Plan Ordinance of the City Code and shall show all required open space areas, buffer areas, trees and plantings. (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1) ARTICLE XII. R7 MEDIUM DENSITY MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-1206. - Landscaping. A planting plan shall be filed with the site plan, required by the Site Plan Ordinance of the City Code and shall show all required open space areas, buffer areas, trees and plantings. (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1) ARTICLE XIII. R8 HIGH DENSITY MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-1306. Landscaping. A planting plan shall be filed with the site plan required by the Site Plan Ordinance of the City Code and shall show all required open space area, buffer areas, trees and plantings. (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1) ARTICLE XV. PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-1505. Lot area and dimensional regulations in residential districts. Within any PRD approved under this article, the requirements set forth below shall apply in lieu of lot area and dimensional regulations set forth in the district in which the development is located: ? (2) Setbacks ? c. Perimeter yards: Where the property lines of a PRD abut land not included in the development, a fifty-foot setback shall be provided to include a twenty-five-foot wide landscaped buffer containing a minimum of two (2) trees for every four hundred (400) square feet. ? (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1; Ord. No. 5251-99) ARTICLE XIV. R9 MIXED USE DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-1406. Landscaping. A planting plan shall be filed with the site plan required by the Site Plan Ordinance of the City Code and shall show all required open space areas, buffer areas, trees, and plantings. (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1) ARTICLE XV. PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-1505. Lot area and dimensional regulations in residential districts. Within any PRD approved under this article, the requirements set forth below shall apply in lieu of lot area and dimensional regulations set forth in the district in which the development is located: ? (2) Setbacks ? c. Perimeter yards: Where the property lines of a PRD abut land not included in the development, a fifty-foot setback shall be provided to include a twenty-five-foot wide landscaped buffer containing a minimum of two (2) trees for every four hundred (400) square feet. ? (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1; Ord. No. 5251-99) ARTICLE XVI. P1 PARK DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-1606. Landscaping. A planting plan shall be filed with the site plan required by the Site Plan Ordinance of the City Code and shall show all required open space areas, buffer areas, trees and plantings. (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1) ARTICLE XVII. O1 OFFICE DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-1708. Landscaping. A landscaping plan shall be filed with the site plan required by the Site Plan Ordinance of the City Code and shall show all required green areas, buffer areas, trees, parking spaces and aisles, and plantings. (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1) ARTICLE XVIII. O2 OFFICE PARK DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-1806. Performance standards. (a) Landscaping: (1) Landscaped perimeter yards shall contain no structures, road (except driveways points), parking, storage areas, accessory buildings or no mechanical equipment, but may contain walkways, trails, art, and man-made landscape features. Landscaped yards shall be provided as follows: a. Front yard: Forty (40) feet minimum. B. Side yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum. C. Rear yard: Forty (40) feet minimum. (2) Off-street parking lots having more than fifteen (15) parking spaces shall provide a landscaped island every fifteen (15) spaces and at the end of each parking row or aisle. These landscape islands shall be a minimum of one hundred twenty-eight (128) square feet in area for a single parking row and a minimum of two hundred fifty-six (256) square feet in area for a double parking row. Within the interior of the parking lot, a minimum of one (1) tree shall be provided for each fifteen (15) parking spaces. (3) Trees shall be provided in accordance with the standards set forth in the master development plan for the office park. Tree standards shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements of the city's site plan ordinance. (b) Buffer provisions. The following buffer areas shall be required when the O2 district abuts the following zoning districts of lesser intensity: (1) Forty (40) feet when abutting any single-family district; (2) Thirty (30) feet when abutting any multiple-family district; and (3) Twenty (20) feet when abutting any R8 district. ? (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1) ARTICLE XIX. O3 OFFICE/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-1906. Landscaping. A landscaping plan shall be filed with the site plan required by the site plan ordinance of the City Code and shall show all required green areas, buffers, trees and other plantings. (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1) ARTICLE XX. C1 RETAIL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-2006. Landscaping. A landscape plan shall be filed with the site plan required by the site plan ordinance of the City Code and shall show all required green areas, buffer areas, trees and plantings. (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1) ARTICLE XXI. C2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-2106. Landscaping. A planting plan shall be filed with the site plan required by the site plan ordinance of the City Code and shall show all required green areas, buffer areas, trees and plantings. (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1) ARTICLE XXII. - C3 REGIONAL BUSINESS DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-2206. - General performance standards of design and operation. (a) Landscaping. (1) Any new non-residential building over the height of eighty (80) feet must provide a landscaped plaza or area at the street level equal to ten (10) percent of the lot area. Such area may be open to the sky, covered by the upper floors of the building, or covered by a bridge between the buildings or other structures, provided that such floor, bridge or structure leaves a minimum clearance of ten (10) feet in height and eight (8) feet in width at ground level. (2) Off-street surface parking lots having at least fifteen (15) parking spaces shall provide a landscaped buffer ten (10) feet in width around the perimeter of the paved area designated for automobile parking (except for access points to public streets, alleys or plazas). (3) Ground signs for buildings under eighty (80) feet in height shall provide five (5) square feet of landscaped ground area per square foot of sign area around the base of the sign. (4) Street furnishings such as street furniture, pavement, plant materials, planter spacing and lighting shall be in accordance with the Regional Business District Development Manual approved and adopted by city council. (b) Buffering provisions. (1) Any new development adjoining a building originally and historically used as a church shall provide a landscape buffer at least fifteen (15) feet wide along the common property line, and such landscape buffer shall extend the entire length of the said property line. (2) A twenty-foot wide landscape buffer shall be provided where a new non-residential use abuts an existing or approved residential use. However, no landscape buffer shall be required for a new building, structure, addition or site five thousand (5,000) square feet or less in gross floor area or site area. (3) Any new non-residential development adjoining an existing residential use or an approved residential development shall provide a landscape buffer at least thirty (30) feet wide if the proposed development includes a structure fifty (50) feet or higher in height. Such required landscape buffer shall be provided the entire length of common property line. (4) The landscape buffers required above may be reduced in size or width if the applicant adequately demonstrates that either: a. The proposed development is similar in use, height and size with the use to be protected by the landscape buffer; and, the landscaping being provided in the reduced buffer will provide adequate screening to the adjoining use; or b. The lot size, configuration, and orientation of the proposed development requires a smaller landscape buffer area; and, the landscaping being provided in the reduced buffer will provide adequate screening to the adjoining use. (5) The landscape buffers required in this article shall contain living plants (i.e., trees, shrubs, ground covers or grass), natural features (i.e., rock, stone, bark chips, wood shavings or land contouring) and/or structural features (i.e., walls, pedestrian walkways, night lighting, street furnishings), and shall be designed and provided in accordance with the criteria in the Regional Business District Development Manual approved and adopted by the city council. ? (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1) ARTICLE XXV. M1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-2506. Landscaping. A planting plan shall be filed with the site plan required by the site plan ordinance of the City Code and shall show all required green areas, buffer areas, trees, and plantings. (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1) ARTICLE XXVI. M2 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-2606. Landscaping. A planting plan shall be filed with the site plan required by the site plan ordinance of the City Code and shall show all required green areas, buffer areas, trees, and plantings. (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1) ARTICLE XXVIII. - MODIFICATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS Sec. 45-2802. - Modifications to yard regulations. ? ? Transitional buffer area required between zoning districts of different intensity. (1) A special transitional buffer area shall be required in any zoning district when that zoning district abuts a lower intensity zoning district and shall be measured from the zoning district line to produce a transitional buffer area with the minimum width indicated by the following table 28-1. (2) In accordance with section 45-3128(d) of this article, transitional buffer areas shall not be required within the neighborhood conservation district when multiple family zoning districts abut single-family zoning districts. (3) The term "transitional buffer area" as used in this section shall apply to the area in the higher intensity district between the principal use and the zoning district line. This transitional buffer area shall contain a minimum number of plant materials in order to meet the standards set forth in this section and to provide the required vegetative density. The required vegetative density for transitional buffer area(s) shall be defined as each four hundred (400) square feet of transitional buffer areas (created by a twenty-foot by twenty-foot grid, excluding approved improvements, easements, or accessways) which contains at least two (2) healthy trees of two-inch caliper measured six (6) inches above the ground for single-stemmed deciduous trees or for multi-stemmed or evergreen trees, no less than eight (8) feet in height, or a combination thereof; and two (2) large growing evergreen shrubs, with a minimum height of forty-eight (48) inches, capable of reaching ten (10) feet at maturity. It is the purpose and intent of this ordinance that in the transitional buffer area(s) the owner of said property shall retain existing mature vegetation and to supplement such vegetation where necessary to meet the vegetative density defined above. All transitional buffer area(s) shall be properly maintained to assure that they will function effectively and continuously. The transitional buffer area shall contain no structure or improvements that promote or encourage the concentration of people, vehicles, or noise or otherwise produce conditions not compatible with the intensity of uses permitted in the abutted lower intensity district. When supplementing the plant materials in the area(s) buffer to meet the required vegetative density, any re-vegetation shall require the planting of two (2) trees (one (1) shall be a large growing variety and one (1) shall be a small growing variety) per four hundred (400) square feet of transitional buffer area. If the two (2) trees will be newly installed, then one (1) shall be evergreen, and one (1) shall be deciduous. The minimum sizes for the installed trees shall be two-inch caliper, measured six (6) inches above the ground, for single stemmed, deciduous trees, and eight (8) feet in height for multi-stemmed or evergreen trees. In addition to the trees, two (2) large growing evergreen shrubs, with a minimum forty-eight (48) inches installed height, shall be required every four hundred (400) square feet of transitional buffer area for transitional buffer areas non-adjacent to public streets. For transitional buffer areas adjacent to public streets, the installation of three (3) low growing shrubs, capable of maturing at three (3) feet in height shall be required for every four hundred (400) square feet of transitional buffer area. The low growing shrubs may be evergreen or deciduous, with a minimum installed height and/or spread of eighteen (18) inches. When visual barriers are required by Site Regulations Section 33.02-51(6)c. and the two (2) land areas coincide, then the visual barrier shrub requirement shall govern and serve to fulfill the transitional buffer area shrub requirement. Hand grooming of dead, diseased, or injured vegetation, and removal of nuisance vines shall be permitted within transitional buffer area(s). No grading shall be permitted within transitional buffer area(s). Maintenance of grass, and removal of weeds, trash and debris as specified in sections 13-150 and 13-180 of the City Code shall be required. All plant materials, pre-existing or newly installed, within the transitional buffer area(s) shall be maintained in perpetuity in accordance with an approved site plan or development plan whichever is applicable. Appropriate plant replacements shall be provided in the event that fifty (50) percent or more of a plants' vegetation is diseased, damaged or dead and the affected vegetation creates a deficit or void in the required vegetative density. Tree protection fencing for existing vegetation shall be erected prior to the issuance of a land disturbance permit and shall be maintained until all construction activities on the site have been completed. The limits of tree protection fencing shall be established no closer than five (5) feet outside the dripline of the existing vegetation and shall be a minimum height of forty (40) inches and sufficient to prevent intrusion into the protected area. The location, type and installation details for the tree protection fencing shall be clearly shown on the approved site plan or development plan whichever is applicable. (4) If the transitional buffer area does not abut a public street and contains existing vegetation (trees, shrubs, or ground covers) the transitional buffer area shall remain undisturbed, in its natural state, and supplemented, where necessary, to meet the required vegetative density. Within the transitional buffer area, all existing healthy trees, shrubs, and ground covers shall be preserved and protected. Hand grooming shall be limited to the removal of dead, diseased, or injured limbs. If the transitional buffer area does not meet the required vegetative density, then additional plant materials (except those trees prohibited in the Site Regulations, Section 33.02-51.(c)(2)e.) shall be planted in conformance with the standards of the most recent edition of the "American Standards for Nursery Stock" and the standards defined above. (5) If the transitional buffer area abuts a public street(s), then removal of existing shrubs or ground covers and/or trees less than six (6) inches in caliper shall be permitted with an approved landscape plan showing the required re-vegetation of one (1) large tree, one (1) small tree and three (3) low growing shrubs. Existing overstory trees may be "limbed-up" to a maximum height of ten (10) feet above the tree base and existing understory trees may be "limbed-up" to a maximum height of six (6) feet. The landscape plan shall provide the required vegetative density (consisting of either newly proposed and/or existing) and replacement plant materials as set forth above. (6) When the zoning line falls on a public street, railroad, or other public right-of-way, the buffer shall begin along the property line of the higher intensity district. Where the zoning line falls within a body of water, the buffer shall begin at the edge of mean low water of the higher intensity district. However, pedestrian and vehicular access such as sidewalks, driveways, entrances, landscaping, plantings, street furniture and the like shall be permitted in buffers along public streets, railroads, other public rights-of-way, and bodies of water. (7) For undeveloped sites that are greater than ninety thousand (90,000) square feet, when a required buffer coincides or shares land area with an easement, the transitional buffer area width or easement width shall be relocated so that they will not coincide or overlap. The relocation of either area shall begin at the adjacent interior shared edge of the transitional buffer area or easement. In determining the relocation of the area(s), consideration shall be given to existing trees/vegetation residing on the site. The transitional buffer area(s) shall be located to maximize the inclusion of naturally occurring trees/vegetation on the site. Where no vegetation exists within the transitional buffer area(s), plant materials shall be installed, maintained and replaced in accordance to [sub]section (2) above. (8) For redeveloped sites or sites that are equal to or less than ninety thousand (90,000) square feet, collocation of easements and transitional buffer areas shall be permitted up to fifty (50) percent of the greater of the two (2) widths. Should the easement width be greater than the transitional buffer area width, no more than fifty (50) percent of the transitional buffer area width shall coincide within the easement area. In determining the collocation of the areas, consideration shall be given to existing trees/vegetation residing on the site. The transitional buffer area(s) shall be located to maximize the inclusion of naturally occurring trees/vegetation on site. Where no vegetation exists within the transitional buffer area(s), plant materials shall be installed, maintained and replaced in accordance to [sub]section (2) above. The portion of the transitional buffer area that is collocated within an easement shall be exempt from re-vegetation, but that same portion shall remain a green area consisting of a viable turf grass and maintained according to sections 13-150 and 13-180 of the City Code. (9) Within a transitional buffer area, an easement shall be permitted to cross the transitional buffer area in such a way as to minimize the land area impacted by the crossing and shall be excluded from the re-vegetation requirement. All breaks shall cross transitional buffer areas at right angles. (10) The board of zoning appeals may grant a special exception for the use or reduction of the transitional buffer area subject to the conditions prescribed in Article XXXII, section 45-3204. ? (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1; Ord. No. 5096-98, ? 1; Ord. No. 5723-02; Ord. No. 6572-09; Ord. No. 6728-10)

Newport News City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 45 ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE XXX. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REGULATIONS Sec. 45-3002. Screening and lighting. Surface lots when abutting any residential use shall be screened by privacy fencing no less than six (6) feet in height, or a seven-foot wide treed buffer planted with evergreen trees at a minimum height of eight (8) feet and no more than ten (10) feet apart, as provided in Chapter 33.02 of the City Code, except where buffer areas are required by Article XXVIII, of this chapter. Such fencing shall be designed to be architecturally compatible with, and not detract from, the surrounding neighborhood and shall be erected in a manner as to provide adequate air and light and to not obstruct clear sight vision for traffic safety purposes. The board of zoning appeals may grant a special exception for the reduction or elimination of the fencing or treed buffer, subject to the conditions prescribed in Article XXXII, section 45-3204. Where lighting is required by this or any other ordinance of the city, it shall be erected and shielded in a manner as to direct lighting inward to the property being developed and prevent glare to adjacent properties or vehicular public rights-of-way. (Ord. No. 5028-97, ? 1; Ord. No. 5204-98) Sec. 45-3004.1. Requirements and procedures for parking increases. The zoning administrator shall allow an increase of no more than thirty (30) percent of the number of on-premises parking spaces required or permitted for uses listed in section 45-3004(d)(3), (d)(5) and (d)(8) subject to the following: ? (2) Applications for parking space increases shall meet the following criteria: a. The applicant shall demonstrate that the use will generate a greater need for parking spaces than is provided in this ordinance. B. The applicant shall prepare a parking increase landscaping plan for the premises. This plan shall not reduce other landscaping prescribed for the premises but shall provide a landscaped buffer ten (10) feet in width around the perimeter of the paved area designated for parking. This buffer shall contain one (1) tree and two (2) shrubs for every four hundred (400) square feet of the buffer area less access ways into the parking area. The landscaping plan shall be approved by the director of planning and development prior to the zoning administrator's approval of the parking space increase application. (Ord. No. 5751-02; Ord. No. 6417-07, ? 1)

Norfolk ZONING ORDINANCES  View whole ordinance
APPENDIX A ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE III. REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL ZONING DISTRICTS CHAPTER 17: LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS AND BUFFERS 17-1 Purpose statement. The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the landscape planting and buffering of all building sites and parking areas which are subject to site plan review. These regulations are intended to protect and promote the public health, safety, and general welfare by preventing soil erosion; providing shade; protecting from excessive noise, glare, and heat; conserving natural resources of air and water; enhancing the overall appearance of development sites; and facilitating a convenient, attractive, and harmonious streetscape and community. These provisions are also intended to help implement the policies in the General Plan of Norfolk. (Ord. No. 42,529, ? 1(Exh. A), 1-30-07) 17-2 Scope of application. The standards contained within this chapter shall apply to all uses in zoning districts which require site plan review. The requirement for site plan review of a proposed use or structure is set forth in the district regulations in Article II of this ordinance. Site plan review provisions are set forth in Article V, Chapter 26. (Ord. No. 42,529, ? 1(Exh. A), 1-30-07)

Norfolk ZONING ORDINANCES  View whole ordinance
APPENDIX A ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE III. REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL ZONING DISTRICTS CHAPTER 17: LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS AND BUFFERS 17-4 Landscape requirements for buildings and yards. Landscape requirements for building lots and yards shall be as follow: 17-4.1? Percentage of open space. At least ten (10) percent of the lot exclusive of parking areas, driveways and sidewalks, shall be open space. For purposes of this chapter, open space shall include required and optional plant materials as well as open areas covered with grass and/or ground cover. 17-4.2? Yard landscape planting requirement. For each twenty-five (25) feet of lot width, or portion thereof, there shall be at least one (1) tree planted in required front yards and corner side yards adjacent to a public street. No less than twenty-five (25) percent and no more than fifty (50) percent of trees shall be evergreen for the frontage requirement. With the approval of the department of neighborhood and leisure services, these required frontage trees may be planted on side and/or back yards, in order to provide greater design flexibility based on landscape requirements. (Ord. No. 43,751, ? 8(Exh. G), 3-2-10) 17-4.3 ?Facades. All facades fronting on a public street or other public space shall have continuous foundation planting except where precluded by access to parking spaces located under the building or by building entrances. In the case of additions to existing structures, the facades of both the addition and the existing structure shall be planted with continuous foundation planting. Front facades of buildings located on flag lots shall also have continuous foundation planting. 17-4.4? Trash containers. Trash containers shall be shielded from view by opaque masonry or concrete walls (exclusive of that area needed for accessibility for trash removal) designed to be compatible with the principal building that it serves. Where accessibility is necessary and the trash container is visible from any public right-of-way or residential zoning district, an opaque gate shall be provided. All walls and gates shall be a minimum of six (6) feet in height. Where such walls are visible from any public right-of-way or residential zoning district, there shall be sufficient planting of evergreen shrubs along the exposed wall to give the effect of a continuous landscape planting. Evergreen shrubs shall have a minimum height of thirty-six (36) inches at time of installation. 17-4.5? Loading berth. In addition to the requirements of 15-6.1(a), where a loading berth is screened by a concrete or masonry wall, a planting space of four (4) foot minimum width along the expanse of the wall shall be required to create the effect of continuous planting. Evergreen plants which are expected to reach a height of six (6) feet or greater within three (3) growing seasons based on the latest edition of Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, by Michael A. Dirr, published by Stipes Publishing, L.L.C., Champaign, Illinois, shall be planted in the planting space. Plants shall be a minimum of thirty-six (36) inches at the time of installation. (Ord. No. 42,529, ? 1(Exh. A), 1-30-07)

Norfolk ZONING ORDINANCES  View whole ordinance
APPENDIX A ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE III. REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL ZONING DISTRICTS CHAPTER 17: LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS AND BUFFERS 17-8 Buffer yards for nonresidential uses adjacent to residential uses. Where a nonresidential district abuts a residential district the following buffers shall be required. 17-8.1 ?Extent of buffer yard. Where a nonresidential district abuts a residential district, a buffer yard shall be maintained on the nonresidential lot along the abutting property lines. The extent of the buffer yard shall conform to the requirements of the following sections: (a) Commercial districts, see section 6-0.3(f). (b) Industrial districts, see section 7-0.3(d). (c) Institutional District (IN-1), see section 10-2.5. (d) Institutional Campus District (IN-2), see sections 10-3.6. 17-8.2? Trees. The buffer yard shall contain at least one tree for every four hundred (400) square feet of buffer yard area. The remainder of the buffer yard shall be planted in shrubs, grass, and/or flowers. ? (Ord. No. 42,529, ? 1(Exh. A), 1-30-07; Ord. No. 44,367, ? 6(Exh. F), 9-13-11)

Petersburg City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 122 WATERWAYS ARTICLE II. CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREAS DIVISION 2. APPLICATION Subdivision II. Performance Standards Sec. 122-77. General performance standards for development and redevelopment. (a) Land disturbance shall be limited to the area necessary to provide for the proposed use or development. (1) In accordance with an approved site plan, the limits of land disturbance, including clearing or grading, shall be strictly defined by the construction footprint. These limits shall be clearly shown on submitted plans and physically marked on the development site. (2) Ingress and egress during construction shall be limited to one access point, unless otherwise approved by the city director of public works. (b) Indigenous vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practicable consistent with the use or development proposed and in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. (1) Existing trees six inches in diameter or greater at breast height shall be preserved outside the construction footprint. However, trees may be pruned or removed as necessary to provide for sight lines and vistas, provided that where removed, they shall be replaced with other vegetation that is equally effective in retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering nonpoint source pollution from runoff. Diseased trees or trees weakened by age, storm, fire, or other injury may be removed, as approved by the city director of public works. (2) Clearing shall be allowed only to provide necessary access, positive site drainage, water quality BMPs, and the installation of utilities, as approved by the city director of public works. (3) Prior to clearing or grading, suitable protective barriers, such as safety fencing, shall be erected five feet outside the dripline of any tree or stand of trees to be preserved. These protective barriers shall remain so erected throughout all phases of construction. The storage of equipment, materials, debris, or fill shall not be allowed within the area protected by the barriers. ? (Code 1981, ? 9.5-11(b); Ord. No. 04-51, 6-15-2004; Ord. No. 05-76, 9-6-2005; Ord. No. 08-103, ? 2, 11-18-2008) Sec. 122-78. Buffer area. (a) To minimize the adverse effects of human activities on the other components of resource protection areas, state waters, and aquatic life, a 100-foot buffer area of vegetation that is effective in retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering nonpoint source pollution from runoff shall be retained if present and established where it does not exist if erosion problems are evident. (b) The buffer area shall be located adjacent to and landward of other RPA component and along both sides of any water bodies with perennial flow. The full buffer area shall be designated as the landward component of the RPA, in accordance with section 122-51 and subdivision III of this division. (c) The 100-foot buffer area shall be deemed to achieve a 75 percent reduction of sediments and a 40 percent reduction of nutrients. (d) The buffer area shall be maintained to meet the following additional performance standards: (1) In order to maintain the functional value of the buffer area, indigenous vegetation may be removed, subject to local approval by the director of public works, only to provide for reasonable sight lines, access paths, general woodlot management, and BMPs, including those that prevent upland erosion and concentrated flows of stormwater, as follows: a. Trees may be pruned or removed as necessary to provide for sight lines and vistas, provided that where removed, they shall be replaced with other vegetation that is equally effective in retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering nonpoint source pollution from runoff. B. Any path shall be constructed and surfaced so as to effectively control erosion. C. Dead, diseased, or dying trees or shrubbery may be removed and thinning of trees may be allowed, pursuant to sound horticultural practice incorporated into locally adopted standards; d. For shoreline erosion control projects, trees and woody vegetation may be removed, necessary control techniques employed, and appropriate vegetation established to protect or stabilize the shoreline in accordance with the best available technical advice and applicable permit conditions or requirements. ? (Code 1981, ? 9.5-11?; Ord. No. 04-51, 6-15-2004)

Portsmouth City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 9.1 CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION AREA OVERLAY DISTRICT Sec. 9.1-10. Performance standards. (a) Purpose and intent. The performance standards establish the means to minimize erosion and sedimentation potential, reduce land application of nutrients and toxics, and maximize rainwater infiltration. Natural groundcover, especially woody vegetation, is most effective in holding soil in place and preventing site erosion. Indigenous vegetation, with its adaptability to local conditions without the use of harmful fertilizers or pesticides, filters stormwater runoff. Minimizing impervious cover enhances rainwater infiltration and effectively reduces stormwater runoff potential. The purpose and intent of these requirements are also to implement the following objectives: prevent a net increase in nonpoint source pollution from new development; achieve a ten percent reduction in nonpoint source pollution from development on previously developed land where the runoff was not treated by one or more water quality best management practices; and achieve a 40 percent reduction in nonpoint source pollution from agricultural uses. (b) General performance standards for development and redevelopment. (1) Land development, redevelopment, or disturbance shall be limited to the minimum area necessary to provide for the proposed use or development. a. The submitted site plan shall indicate the limits of the proposed land disturbance, including areas for clearing or grading and shall be limited to the minimum area necessary to provide for the construction footprint. These limits shall be clearly shown on submitted plan and physically marked on the development site. b. Ingress and egress during construction shall be limited to one access point. (2) Indigenous vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practicable consistent with the use or development proposed and in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. a. Existing trees over two inches in diameter at breast height (DBH) shall be preserved outside the construction footprint. Diseased trees or trees weakened by age, storm, fire, or other injury, as documented in writing to the director of planning by a landscape architect or a certified arborist who holds a current membership in either the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), the Tree Care Industry Association, or the American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA), may be removed. b. Other woody vegetation onsite shall be preserved outside the approved construction footprint. c. Clearing shall be allowed only to provide necessary access, positive site drainage, water quality BMPs, and the installation of utilities. (3) Prior to clearing or grading, suitable protective barriers, such as fencing of a type detailed in the Landscape Planting and Protection Manual, Portsmouth, Virginia shall be erected five feet outside of the dripline of any tree or stand of trees to be preserved. These protective barriers shall remain so erected throughout all phases of construction. The storage of equipment, materials, debris, or fill shall not be allowed within the area protected by the barrier. (4) Land development, redevelopment or land disturbance which adds impervious cover shall minimize impervious cover to promote infiltration of stormwater into the ground consistent with the proposed use or development. Pervious surfaces where soil conditions and/or water table permit shall be used for any parking area, maneuvering aisle, or other low traffic driveway. ? (c) Criteria RPAs. ? (5) Permitted modifications of the buffer area. In order to achieve the functional value of the buffer, existing vegetation may be removed, subject to approval by the city planning director, only to provide for reasonable sight lines, access paths, general woodlot management, and best management practices, including those that prevent upland erosion and concentrated flows of stormwater, as follows: a. Trees may be pruned or removed as necessary to provide for reasonable sight lines and vistas, provided that where removed, they shall be replaced with other vegetation that is equally effective in retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering nonpoint source pollution from runoff. B. Any path shall be constructed and surfaced as to effectively control erosion. C. Dead, diseased, or dying trees or shrubbery and noxious weeds such as Johnson grass, kudzu and multiflora rose may be removed and thinning of trees may be allowed, pursuant to sound horticulture practice. D. For shoreline erosion projects, trees and woody vegetation may be removed, necessary control techniques employed, and appropriate vegetation established to protect or stabilize the shoreline in accordance with the best available technical advice and applicable permit conditions or requirements. E. Flower and/or vegetable gardens, or similar amenity as long as no brush and/or trees are removed from the RPA. (6) Buffer area requirements for intensely developed areas. In the intensely developed area the director of planning may, after consulting with the city engineer, exercise discretion regarding whether to require the establishment of vegetation in the 100-foot-wide buffer area. However, while the immediate establishment of vegetation in the buffer area may be impractical, consideration to implementing measures that would establish vegetation in the buffer in these areas over time shall be considered in order to maximize water quality protection, pollutant removal and water resource conservation. (Code 1988, ? 9.1-10; Ord. No. 2004-02, ? 1, 1-13-2004; Ord. No. 2005-04, ? 2, 1-11-2005; Ord. No. 2009-88, ? 1, 8-25-2009)

Richmond City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 14 FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT, EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL, AND DRAINAGE DIVISION 4. LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Sec. 14-264. Development criteria for resource protection areas. In addition to the general performance criteria set forth in Section 14-263, the criteria in this section are applicable in resource protection areas. ? (5) Permitted modifications of the buffer area. In order to maintain the functional value of the buffer area, existing vegetation may be removed, subject to approval by the City, only to provide for reasonable sight lines, access paths, general woodlot management, and best management practices, including those that prevent upland erosion and concentrated flows of stormwater, as follows: a. Trees may be pruned or removed as necessary to provide for sight lines and vistas, provided that, where removed, they shall be replaced with other vegetation that is equally effective in retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering nonpoint source pollution from runoff as specified in the Riparian Buffer Modification & Mitigation Guidance Manual, 2003, published by the Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Division of the Department of Conservation and Recreation and as may be amended by the State from time to time. b. Any path shall be constructed and surfaced so as to effectively control erosion. c. Dead, diseased, or dying trees or shrubbery and noxious weeds (such as Johnson grass, kudzu, and multiflora rose) may be removed and thinning of trees may be allowed, pursuant to sound horticultural practices. d. For shoreline erosion control projects, trees and woody vegetation may be removed, necessary control techniques employed, and appropriate vegetation established to protect or stabilize the shoreline in accordance with the best available technical advice and applicable permit conditions or requirements. ? (7) Buffer area requirements for intensely developed areas. In intensely developed areas, the City may exercise discretion regarding whether to require establishment of vegetation in the 100-foot wide buffer area. However, while the immediate establishment of vegetation in the buffer area may be impractical, the City shall give consideration to implementing measures that would establish vegetation in the buffer in these areas over time in order to maximize water quality protection, pollutant removal, and water resource conservation. Where buffers are to be established, they shall be designed in accordance with the standards established in the Riparian Buffer Modification & Mitigation Guidance Manual, 2003, prepared by the Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Division of the Department of Conservation and Recreation and as may be amended by the Commonwealth of Virginia from time to time. (Code 2004, ? 50-332; Ord. No. 2014-116-89, ? 2, 5-27-2014)

Roanoke City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 36.2 ZONING ARTICLE 6. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS DIVISION 4. LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING Sec. 36.2-646. - Fa?ade planting. Structures containing single-family, two-family, townhouse or rowhouse, or multifamily dwelling units shall be subject to the following landscaping requirements: (a) A minimum of one (1) deciduous or evergreen shrub for each four (4) linear feet of building foundation that fronts on a street shall be planted in the area between the street right-of-way and the principal building. (b) For through lots, the regulations of this section shall apply only to the fa?ade of the building that contains the principal entrance(s) to the structure. (Ord. No. 37633, ? 14, 11-20-06; Ord. No. 37984, ? 6, 12-17-07) Sec. 36.2-647. - Buffering and screening. (a) Buffering or screening shall be provided for certain activities and uses as specified in Table 647-1 except for parking areas which is contained in Section 36.2-648. The required buffering and screening materials shall be provided in accordance with Section 36.2-649. (b) Except where specified otherwise, buffering and screening shall be installed in side and rear yards behind the building line of the lot being developed such that it reduces the visual impact of the structures, activities, or uses on abutting properties and public rights-of-way, as applicable, considering sight lines from those abutting properties and public rights-of-way, as applicable. (c) For purposes of this section, abutting lots shall not include lots separated by a right-of-way containing a street, river or creek, or railroad line. Lots that would abut if not for their separation by an alley shall be considered abutting lots for purposes of this section and shall be subject to these buffering and screening requirements. (Ord. No. 37984, ? 6, 12-17-07; Ord. No. 38423, ? 1, 4-20-09; Ord. No. 38424, ? 1, 4-20-09; Ord. No. 39495, ? 1, 9-4-12; Ord. No. 40088, ? 1, 10-20-14) Sec. 36.2-649. Standards for buffering, screening, and parking area landscaping materials. Materials used to meet requirements of Sections 36.2-647 and 36.2-648 shall meet the standards of Table 649-1. (Ord. No. 37984, ? 6, 12-17-07; Ord. No. 38423, ? 1, 4-20-09; Ord. No. 39495, ? 1, 9-4-12; Ord. No. 40088, ? 1, 10-20-14)

Roanoke City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 36.2 ZONING DIVISION 5. OVERLAY DISTRICTS Sec. 36.2-335. - River and Creek Corridors Overlay District (RCC). ? (e) Riparian buffer standards. ? (4) Removal of vegetation within the required riparian buffer area shall be permitted only in accordance with the following provisions: (A) Trees may be pruned or removed as necessary to provide limited sight lines and vistas, provided that where removed, they shall be replaced with other vegetation that is equally effective in retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering nonpoint source pollution from runoff. (B) Dead, diseased, or dying trees may be removed. ? (f) Permitted buffer impacts. The following development activities shall be permitted within the required riparian buffer area of the RCC Overlay District, provided no more land is disturbed than is necessary to provide for the desired installation or construction, all required permits have been issued, and any land disturbance activity complies with all erosion and sediment control requirements of Chapter 11.1 of this Code for the stabilization of disturbed areas to minimize negative effects on the quality of surface waters: ? (4) Public passive recreation uses such as greenways and pervious trails, provided that to the extent possible, such pathways use existing and proposed utility alignments or previously cleared areas and minimize tree cutting to the maximum extent practicable; (5) Individual pedestrian paths connecting homeowners to the river or creek in the form of narrow, pervious footpaths with minimal tree disturbance; or ? ?

Salem City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 106 ZONING ARTICLE IV. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sec. 106-402. Buffer yards, screening and landscaping. (A) It is the intent of these provisions to promote the public health, safety and welfare by reducing common conflicts associated with incompatible abutting land uses. It is also the intent of these provisions to promote the protection of the natural environment through plantings that absorb gaseous emissions and improve air and water quality. To the ends, these requirements seek to ease transition among different uses by reducing noise, glare, dust and overcrowding, redirecting emissions, confining litter, maintaining property values, protecting neighborhood character, promoting visual harmony, restricting passage, promoting peaceful enjoyment and privacy and enhancing the natural environment. Further, the requirements seek to encourage innovation in landscape and architectural design. (Ord. of 3-14-05(2))

Salem City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 106 ZONING ARTICLE IV. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sec. 106-402.19. Modifications. (A) The requirements of this section shall be applied equally to all similarly classified and situated properties but may be modified or waived by the administrator where the intent of this section is preserved and where the proposed developments of new use meets any of the following guidelines: 1. Natural land characteristics and/or existing vegetation would achieve the same intent of this section, provided such natural features are maintained and not modified by the development or use of the site; 2. Innovative landscape design, staggering of planting, screenings or architectural design would achieve the intent of this section; 3. The amount of required buffer yard would occupy more than ten percent of the total lot, parcel of land or development site, and proportional increases of planting and screening are added which are determined by the administrator to offset any reductions of the required buffer yard; or 4. The subject uses are separated by an alley, public utility right-of-way, water body or other physical separation. In such case, the width of the separating feature may replace the buffer yard requirements on a foot-for-foot basis, provided the intent of the applicable screening and planting requirements is met. Where such separating feature is wider than the applicable buffer year requirements, one row of the applicable planting requirements may be waived for every five feet of separation in excess of the required buffer yard; provided, however, that a minimum of one row of plantings or screening may be required. 5. When property lines abut an adjacent jurisdiction, the administrator shall determine the specific screening and buffering requirements along the property lines after consideration of the zoning designation and or land use of the adjacent property. Requirements shall not exceed those that would be required for similarly situated property within the city. 6. If site characteristics do not permit the compliance with these parking lot landscaping regulations and the requirements of section 106-404 (Off-Street Parking), then the administrator shall, after consultation with the city horticulturist, have the authority to determine which standards shall take precedent on the site. 7. The location and design of any required landscaped area may be modified by the administrator to achieve local stormwater management water quality objectives. (Ord. of 3-14-05(2)) Sec. 106-402.21. Conflicting requirements. (A) When buffering, screening or planting requirements are required by a conditional rezoning, or a special exception permit approved after the effective date of this chapter, and said requirements are in conflict with the requirements contained herein, the more restrictive requirements shall apply. (Ord. of 3-14-05(2)) Sec. 106-402.23. Nonconforming uses and sites. (A) Any lot or parcel of land having a lawful use that does not conform with the buffering, screening and landscaping provisions for this section shall be required to comply with these provisions if: 1. The lawful use is discontinued for more than two years; or 2. The lawful use is replaced in whole or in part by a higher intensity use type, i.e., commercial to industrial; 3. The associated building or structure containing the lawful use is removed; or 4. The associated building or structure containing the lawful use is enlarged, extended, reconstructed or structurally altered to the extent that costs exceed 25 percent of the building's or structure's fair market value prior to any improvement. For purpose of this section, all costs incurred from enlargement, extension, reconstruction or structural alteration of such structure during a three-year period shall be included in determining whether the costs of such improvements exceed 25 percent of the fair market value. (Ord. of 3-14-05(2))

Salem City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 106 ZONING ARTICLE IV. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sec. 106-402.3. Buffer yards. (A) Buffer yards containing specified screening and plantings shall be required between zoning districts of different intensities as shown in Table 1. For each required buffer type, the developer of the site shall choose which option to install. Buffer yards shall be installed in the higher intensity zoning district. (B) Required buffer yards shall be located such that they provide a visual and physical barrier between abutting zoning districts of different intensities and shall buffer and screen all exterior storage, service, refuse, maintenance, repair, processing, salvage, parking, and other similar areas. No use of the site may be extended beyond the required buffer yard. (C) Required buffer yards shall not be located on any portion of any existing or dedicated public or private street or right-of-way, shall not obstruct the visibility of traffic circulation, and shall not interfere with the use of adjoining properties. (D) Required buffer yards, including screening and plantings shall be in place at the time of any occupancy or use of the property. Required plantings may be installed at the beginning of the first opportune planting season after any occupancy or use of the property. (E) The buffer yard shall be reserved solely for screening and plantings, except for required pedestrian or vehicular access driveways to the property, passive recreation areas, or pedestrian or bicycle trails, which can be accommodated in a manner that preserve the intended screening function between abutting zoning districts of different intensities. In no case shall any portion of a required buffer yard be used for parking, service, refuse, storage, maintenance, or any other use that impairs the intended buffer function. (F) The property owner or lessee shall have the responsibility to continuously maintain the required buffer yards, screening and plantings such that they continue to meet the specified standards and intent of this section. All materials shall present an attractive appearance and be of durable construction. (Ord. of 3-14-05(2))

Salem City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 106 ZONING ARTICLE IV. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sec. 106-402.5. Standards for buffer yard planting and screening. (A) Planting required by this section shall be provided in accordance with the following standards: 1. Where required, all evergreen shrubs shall have a height of at least 24 inches at the time of planting and an ultimate height of six feet or more. One such shrub shall be planted for each three linear feet of buffer yard. Some evergreen shrubs that meet these standards are various types of hollies, yews, and junipers. 2. Where required, each small evergreen tree shall have a height of at least four feet at time of planting and an ultimate height of 15 feet or greater. One such tree shall be planted for each five linear feet of buffer yard. Some small evergreen trees that meet these standards are various types of pines, hollies, upright arborvitae and junipers. 3. Where required, each large evergreen tree shall have a height of at least six feet at the time of planting and an ultimate height of 50 feet or greater. One such tree shall be planted for each 15 linear feet of buffer yard. Some large evergreen trees that meet these standards are various types of pines, firs and hemlocks. 4. Existing evergreen trees and shrubs which meet the requirements of this section may be counted as contributing to total planting requirements. 5. All portions of buffer yard areas not containing plantings shall be seeded with lawn grass of other approved vegetative ground cover. (B) Screening required by this section shall be provided in accordance with the following standards: 1. Screening shall be visually opaque and shall be constructed of a durable material. It shall be installed within the required buffer yard, and shall be continuously maintained. 2. Acceptable screening materials shall include stockade fences, decorative masonry walls, brick walls, and earth berms. Alternate materials may be approved, if in the opinion of the administrator, their characteristic and design meet the intent and standards of this section. (Ord. of 3-14-05(2))

Salem City Code  View whole ordinance
Chapter 106 ZONING ARTICLE IV. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sec. 106-402.9. Landscaping of front setback areas. (A) All front setback are as located between a building and a public street shall be professionally landscaped with a combination of trees, shrubs and groundcover. (Ord. of 3-14-05(2))

Staunton City Code  View whole ordinance
Title 13 ENVIRONMENT Chapter 13.12 RIPARIAN BUFFERS 13.12.030 Management of a riparian buffer. Each riparian buffer required to be established or maintained pursuant to Division I of this title shall be managed as part of the stormwater facility management agreement and as provided herein: (1) The target vegetative cover in a riparian buffer area shall be an indigenous riparian forest with ground cover, shrub and tree canopy layers. (2) Within 25 feet of the top of the state waters bank and land classified as wetlands: (a) Indigenous riparian vegetation shall be preserved, or, where it does not exist, it shall be restored or allowed to evolve by natural succession; (b) Dead, diseased, and dying trees may be removed; ? Fallen trees that are blocking stream channels, or trees with undermined root systems in imminent danger of falling, may be removed where stream bank erosion is a current or potential problem that outweighs any positive effects the fallen tree or trees may have on the stream ecosystem; (d) Removal or pruning of invasive shrub and vine species is allowed; provided, that such removal or pruning is done in a manner that prevents erosion; ? Unpaved pathways and trails may be constructed and maintained in a manner that will effectively control erosion and minimize adverse impacts to the buffer, subject to applicable provisions of SCC 13.12.050; and (f) Stormwater channels may be constructed and maintained in a manner that will prevent erosion and minimize adverse impacts to the buffer. (3) Beyond 25 feet from the top of the public waterway bank to the limits of the required buffer: (a) Dead, diseased and dying trees may be removed; (b) Trees six inches in diameter or greater, measured 48 inches from the ground, shall be preserved; ? Removal or pruning of invasive shrub and vine species shall be allowed; provided, that such removal or pruning is done in a manner that prevents erosion; (d) Unpaved pathways and trails may be constructed and maintained in a manner that will effectively control erosion and minimize adverse impacts to the buffer, subject to applicable provisions of SCC 13.12.050; and ? Stormwater channels may be constructed and maintained in a manner that will prevent erosion and minimize adverse impacts to the buffer. (4) Where an existing structure (i.e., building, street, road, bridge, etc.) is located within the buffer, vegetation, not including the ground cover, can be removed within 15 feet of the structure. Removal of additional vegetation can be allowed if required by state or federal requirements or if necessary for the health, safety or welfare of the city?s citizens and approved by the administrator. (Ord. 2009-09; Ord. 2007-30; Ord. 2007-20).

Staunton City Code  View whole ordinance
Title 18 ZONING Chapter 18.100 I-3 PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 18.100.030 Area regulations. The following requirements shall apply to all uses permitted in this district: ? (5) Buffer Zone. Setback areas shall act as a buffer between adjacent residential and business uses. They shall be fully landscaped and maintained with grass, trees and shrubbery of sufficient height and density to serve as a screen between the planned industrial zone and the residential zone. The buffer zone shall not constitute a site-distance obstruction at street intersections. The buffer zone shall be considered as part of the lot area, but shall not be used for any business purpose such as buildings, parking lots, signs, or any accessory use. The buffer zone, upon completion of the development of any project, shall be at or near the same grade or plane which existed prior to the development of the planned industrial district property, unless otherwise expressly reviewed and approved by the planning commission and by city council. These restrictions shall not apply to that portion of the lot fronting on the major thoroughfares, however all other required landscaping shall apply. (Zoning ordinance Art. 4, ? 17)

Staunton City Code  View whole ordinance
Title 18 ZONING Chapter 18.120 YARD, BUILDING SETBACK, AND OPEN SPACE EXCEPTIONS 18.120.010 Setback exceptions. The following requirements are intended to provide exceptions or qualify and supplement, as the case may be, the specific district regulations set forth except in Division II of this title. (1) No yard, open space, or lot area required for a building or structure shall, during its life, be occupied by any other building or structure except: ? (k) Trees, shrubs, flowers, and other plants subject to the vision requirements in this chapter. ? (Ord. 2011-07; Ord. 2009-22; Ord. 2009-20; Ord. 2004-06. Zoning ordinance Art. 5, ? 4)

Staunton City Code  View whole ordinance
Title 18 ZONING Chapter 18.65 B-3 PLANNED BUSINESS DISTRICT 18.65.030 Area regulations. In this district the area regulations, maximum lot coverage, height regulations, and off-street parking shall comply with the requirements of the B-1 district. There shall be a 25-foot setback from all streets and all adjoining residential property. This setback shall act as a buffer between the business and residential uses. It shall be fully landscaped and maintained with grass and with trees or shrubbery of sufficient height and density to serve as a screen between the business zone and the residential zone. The buffer zone shall not constitute a site-distance obstruction at street intersections. The buffer zone shall be considered as part of the lot area but shall not be used for any business purpose such as buildings, parking lots, signs, or any accessory use. The buffer zoning, upon completion of development of the project, shall be at or near the same grade or plane which existed prior to the development of the planned business district property, unless otherwise expressly reviewed and approved by the planning commission and by city council. These restrictions shall not apply to that portion of the lot fronting on the major business thoroughfare or thoroughfares. Entrances to the property will be allowed from the arterial streets only. (Zoning ordinance Art. 4, ? 10)

Suffolk Development Ordinance  View whole ordinance
Unified Development Ordinance ARTICLE 4 ZONING SEC. 31-415. CHESAPEAKE BAY PRESERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT (CB). ? (c) GENERAL PERFORMANCE CRITERIA. The following standards shall apply to all development activities in the Preservation Area District. (1) No more land shall be disturbed than is necessary to provide for the proposed use or development. Land disturbance shall be limited to the area necessary to provide for the desired use or development. In accordance with an approved development plan, the limits of land disturbance, including clearing or grading, shall be strictly defined by the construction footprint. These limits shall be clearly shown on submitted plans and physically marked on the development site. (2) Indigenous vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practicable, consistent with the use or development proposed. When forests or developed woodlands exist on the site and proposed development requires the cutting or clearing of trees areas proposed for clearing shall be identified on the proposed development plan. These plans shall be submitted as part of the development review process. A grading permit will be required prior to any clearing or cutting associated with the proposed development. ? (d) DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA FOR RESOURCE PROTECTION AREAS. (1) PRESERVATION AREAS. The Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area shall consist of three areas for purposes of determining applicable development restrictions: (1) a Resource Protection Area and (2) a Resource Management Area. Intensely Developed Areas may be a component of each area. These areas are defined and established as follows: ? B. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AREA (RMA). The Resource Management Area (RMA) is that component of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area that is not classified as the Resource Protection Area and may include flood plains, highly erodible soils associated with steep slopes, highly permeable soils, nontidal wetlands outside of the RPA and other lands necessary to protect water quality. Development standards for the RMA are set forth as follows: (i) All sites for which development activities are proposed shall be subject to the requirements detailed in Subsection (c), general provisions. (ii) When forests or developed woodlands exist on the site and proposed development requires the cutting or clearing of trees, areas proposed for clearing shall be identified on the proposed development plan. These plans shall be submitted as part of the development review process. A grading permit will be required prior to any clearing or cutting associated with proposed development. (iii) Land disturbance shall be limited to the area necessary to provide for the desired use or development. ? ? D. BUFFER AREA REQUIREMENTS. To minimize effects of human activities on the other components of the Resource Protection Area, state waters, and aquatic life, a 100-foot buffer area of vegetation that is effective in retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering non-point source pollution from runoff shall be retained if present and established where it does not exist. The buffer shall be located adjacent to and landward of any other component of the RPA. The 100-foot buffer area shall be deemed to achieve a 75 percent reduction of sediments and a 40 percent reduction of nutrients. Not withstanding permitted uses, encroachments, and vegetation clearing, as set forth in Subsection (d)(1)a., the 100-foot wide buffer area is not reduced in width. When agricultural or silvicultural uses within the buffer area cease, and the lands are proposed to be converted to other uses, the full 100-foot wide buffer area shall be reestablished In reestablishing the buffer, management measures shall be undertaken to provide woody vegetation that assures the buffer functions are maintained or established. The following additional performance criteria shall apply in the buffer area: (i) In order to maintain the functional value of the buffer area, indigenous vegetation may be removed only, subject to approval by the City, to provide for reasonable sight lines, access paths, general woodlot management, and best management practices including those that prevent upland erosion and concentrated flows of stormwater as follows: (a) Trees may be pruned or removed as necessary to provide for sight lines and vistas, provided that where removed, they shall be replaced with other vegetation that is equally effective in retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering non-point source pollution from runoff. (b) Any path shall be constructed and surfaced so as to effectively control erosion. (c) Dead, diseased, or dying trees or shrubbery and noxious weeds (such as Johnson grass, Kudzu and multiflora rose) may be removed and thinning of trees allowed as permitted by the City pursuant to sound horticultural practices. (d) For shoreline erosion control projects, trees and woody vegetation may be removed, necessary control techniques employed, and appropriate vegetation established to protect or stabilize the shoreline in accordance with the best available technical advice and applicable permit conditions or requirements. ? ? (Ord. No. 09-O-028, Exh. A, 5-20-2009; Ord. No. 13-O-057, 6-19-2013; Ord. No. 14-O-072, 6-18-2014)

Virginia Beach City Code  View whole ordinance
APPENDIX A ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES APPLICABLE TO ALL DISTRICTS D. DESIGN, ETC. STANDARDS FOR RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS AND SHOPPING CENTERS Sec. 245. Building design. The following building design features shall apply to retail establishments and shopping centers which are subject to the provisions of this part: ? (b) Outdoor display areas, vending machines and ground level mechanical equipment: ? (3) Mechanical or HVAC equipment shall not be installed at ground level along any portion of a building facing a public or internal street unless such location is necessitated by the nature and design of the building it serves. Such equipment shall be screened by a solid fence or wall and native plants, such as wax myrtle or leyland cypress, having good screening characteristics. Shrubs shall be at least three (3) feet high, and trees shall be at least six (6) feet high, at planting. Plants shall be spaced as directed by the city's landscaping, screening and buffering specifications and standards, be maintained at all times in good condition and shall not be trimmed to a height lower than the mechanical equipment they screen. ? (Ord. No. 2607, 8-22-2000; Ord. No. 3247, 7-10-12) Sec. 246. Site design. The following site design characteristics shall apply to retail establishments and shopping centers which are subject to the provisions of this part: ? (d) Pedestrian access: ? (2) Connecting internal pedestrian walkways, no less than five (5) feet in width, shall be provided from the public sidewalk or right-of-way to the principal customer entrance of all anchor tenant buildings on the site. Outparcels shall be connected to each other, to the main shopping center and to the public sidewalk system by pedestrian walkways. In addition, walkways shall connect focal points of pedestrian activity such as, but not limited to, transit stops, street crossings, building and store entry points, and parking areas. The walkways should feature adjoining landscaped areas that include trees, shrubs, benches, flower beds, ground cover or similar materials to enhance the appearance of the walkway areas. Such landscaping shall be credited toward the parking lot landscaping requirements of section 5A of the Site Plan Ordinance. Clear sight lines allowing for good natural surveillance and adequate lighting shall be incorporated. Landscaping along the walkways shall be maintained at no more than three (3) feet in height or limbed up to at least seven (7) feet in order to avoid visibility obstructions. ? ? (Ord. No. 2607, 8-22-2000) Sec. 247. Landscaping and buffering. The following provisions shall be in addition to all other city landscaping provisions: (a) Any loading dock within view of a residential, office or apartment zoning district or a public street shall be screened by a landscaped berm or a solid wall with landscaping on the outside. (b) Sites with existing trees and vegetation along street frontages should, where desirable, retain such features and integrate them into the landscape plan for the site. (c) To the greatest extent possible, no less than twenty-five (25) percent of trees shall be evergreen species. (d) To the greatest extent possible, planting pits shall be backfilled with thirty-six (36) inches of topsoil to provide the most conducive growing environment for new landscape planting. (e) To the greatest extent possible, landscape islands shall be designed so that shrubs or trees are not located on the edges of the island. (Ord. No. 2607, 8-22-2000)


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