Search the Virginia Tree Ordinance Database

We have abstracted tree ordinances from 37 Virginia municipalities and created a searchable database. You can search this database by typing a key word below. The search will return all instances of the key word search in the abstracted ordinances. Because the ordinances are lengthy, we have parsed them into Ordinance Topics below so that you can further narrow your search. Select one or more of these topics and your search will only return use of your key word within that topic.

Try searching for ‘critical root zone’ with the topic ‘Development Plan Requirements’ selected and you will see how the key words are used in this ordinance context.

Each Ordinance Topic is also hyperlinked to show how the topic is broadly addressed in the full text of the abstracted ordinances.

Key word search engine - This will return sections of ordinances.
The default search includes all topics listed below.

To narrow down your search, uncheck or check specific topics below. At least one topic must be selected for the search to operate.

(Clicking on a topic link returns all ordinances of that type.)

select all / deselect all